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북한강 의암호의 수 질 변동성에 대 한 강우 수문학적 비교분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국하천호수학회 수록지정보 : 생태와 환경 / 50권 / 1호
저자명 : 황순진, 심연보, 최봉근, 김건희, 박채홍, 서완범, 박명환, 이수웅, 신재기

영어 초록

This study explored spatiotemporal variability of water quality in correspondence with hydrometeorological factors in the four stations of Euiam Reservoir located in the upstream region of the North-Han River from May 2012 to December 2015. Seasonal effect was apparent in the variation of water temperature, DO, electric conductivity and TSS during the study period. Stratification in the water column was observed in the near dam site every year and vanished between August and October. Increase of nitrogen nutrients was observed when inflowing discharge was low, while phosphorus increase was distinct both during the early season with increase of inflowing discharge and the period of severe draught persistent. Duration persisting high concentration of Chl-a (25 mg m-3: the eutrophic status criterion, OECD, 1982) was 12 months of the whole year in 20142015, while it was almost 4 months in 2013. Water quality of Euiam Reservoir appeared to be affected basically by geomorphology and source of pollutants, such as longitudinally linked instream islands and Aggregate Island, inflowing urban stream, and wastewater treatment plant discharge. While inflowing discharge from the dams upstream and outflow pattern causing water level change seem to largely govern the variability of water quality in this particular system. In the process of spatiotemporal water quality change, factors related to climate (e.g. flood, typhoon, abruptly high rainfall, scorching heat of summer), hydrology (amount of flow and water level) might be attributed to water pulse, dilution, backflow, uptake, and sedimentation. This study showed that change of water quality in Euiam Reservoir was very dynamic and suggested that its effect could be delivered to downstream (Cheongpyeong and Paldang Reservoirs) through year-round discharge for hydropower generation.

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북한강 의암호의 수 질 변동성에 대 한 강우  수문학적 비교분석
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