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청동기~초기 철기시대 춘천분지 일원 유적의 획기와 편년

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최종 저작일
44페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 9,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국청동기학회 수록지정보 : 韓國靑銅器學報 / 19권
저자명 : 吳江原


Ⅰ. 머리말
II. 주요 유적의 유적-내 시기 구분
III. 지역적 차원의 공반 단계 구분과 편년
1. 공반 단계의 구분
2. 각 공반 단계의 시간 범위와 편년
IV. 맺음말

한국어 초록

이 연구에서는 최근 관련 유적이 다수 조사된 춘천분지 일원 청동기~초기 철기시대 유적군의 획기와 편년 체계를 구축하였다. 춘천분지 청동기-초기 철기시대 I단계는 타원형 석상위석식노지 방형 주거지·이중구연거치문토기· 사장경호·무경식석촉·장방형어망추·장방형석도, II단계는 위석식노지 장방형 중심 주거지·각종 돌대 문토기·이중구연토기·구순각목토기·복합문토기·무경식석촉·장방형어망추·장방형석도, III단계는 (퇴화형 위석식노지+)수혈식노지 세장방형 중심 주거지·천발형토기·발형토기·호형토기·공열토기·적 색마연소호·무경식석촉·이단경식석촉·일단경식석촉·이단병식석검·타원형어망추·제형석도·주형석 도, IV단계는 수혈식노지 장방형 중심 주거지·기존 토기 외 다양한 적색마연토기(발형토기, 호, 대부소 호)·무경식석촉·일단경식석촉·타원형어망추·이(일)단병식석검·주상편인석부·주형석도·어형석도 등이 공반하는 단계이다. V단계는 전형적인 천전리식 주거지·무경식석촉·일단경식석촉·일체형석촉· 원통형어망추·일단병식석검·유경식석검·유구석부·주형석도·어형석도, VI단계는 소형 수혈식노지 방 형 중심 주거지·순수 무문토기 중심 토기·일체형석촉·일단병식석검·검병두식·유구석부·주형석도, VII단계는 소형 수혈식노지 말각방형 주거지·점토대토기·두형토기·흑색마연토기·조합식우각형파수· 우각형파수·봉상파수·삼각만입석촉·검병두식·유구석부·주형석도 등이 공반하는 단계이다. 각 단계 의 시간적 범위는 기원전 12~11세기(I단계), 기원전 11~10세기(II단계), 기원전 9~8세기(III단계), 기원전 8~7세기(IV단계), 기원전 6~5세기(V단계), 기원전 4~3세기(VI단계), 기원전 3세기 전반~1세기 중엽(VII단 계)이다.

영어 초록

In this paper, the periodization of Chuncheon basin from the Bronze age to Early Iron age sites, which due to the investigation of numerous sites belonging to many periods included in the from the Bronze age to Early Iron age, can be used as a standard to periodize from the Bronze age to Early Iron age site groups of the Bukhan river area, was attempted. Phase Ⅰ of the sites of the Chuncheon basin of from the Bronze age to Early Iron age is characterized by square dwelling sites with oval-shaped stone-lined fireplace, double-rimed pottery with tooth markings, flat bottom long-necked jar, stone arrowhead without tang, rectangular fishing net-sinker and rectangular stone knives, Phase Ⅱ is characterized by dwelling sites with a rectangular stone-lined fireplace at the center, various banded-rim pottery, double-rimed pottery, pottery with notched strip on rim, pottery with composite patterns, stone arrowhead without tangs, rectangular fishing net-sinker and rectangular stone knives. Phase Ⅲ is characterized by dwelling sites with a(degenerated stone-lined fireplace) long rectangular, vertical-pit fireplace at the center, shallow bowl-shaped pottery, bowl-shaped pottery, jar-shaped pottery, rim-perforated pottery, red-polished small jar, stone arrowhead without tangs, double platform stone arrowhead with tang, single platform stone arrowhead with tangs, double platform stone knife with handle, oval-shaped fishing net-sinker, ladder-shaped stone knife and boat-shaped stone knife. Phase Ⅳ is characterized by dwelling sites with a rectangular vertical-pit fireplace at the center, various red-polished pottery in addition to previous pottery(bowl-shaped pottery, jar, mounted small jar), stone arrowhead without tang, single platform stone arrowhead with tangs, oval-shaped fishing net-sinker, double platform stone knife with handle, single platform stone knife with handle, stone axe with pillar-shaped single blade, boat-shaped stone knife and fish-shaped stone knife. Phase Ⅴ is characterized by the typical Cheonjonli style dwelling site, stone arrowheads without tang, single platform stone arrowhead with tangs, rectangular stone arrowhead, cylindrical fishing net-sinker, single platform stone knife with handle, stone knife with tangs, groove stone adze, boat-shaped stone knife and fish-shaped stone knife. Phase Ⅵ is characterized by dwelling sites with miniature, square vertical-pit fireplaces at the center, pottery centered on mumun pottery, rectangular stone arrowhead, single platform stone knife with handle, pommel fittings of bronze dagger, groove stone adze and boat-shaped stone knife. Phase Ⅶ is characterized by dwelling sites with miniature, square vertical-pit fireplace, pottery with ring rim, mounted dish pottery, black-polished pottery, composite horn shaped handle, horn shaped handle, pillar-shaped handle, stone arrowhead with three tangs, pommel fittings of bronze dagger, groove stone adze and boat-shaped stone knife. The temporal scope of each phase would be B.C. 12th-11th century(phase Ⅰ), B.C. 11th-10th century (phase Ⅱ), B.C. 9th-8th century(phase Ⅲ), B.C. 8th-7th century(phase Ⅳ), B.C. 6th-5th century(phase Ⅴ), B.C. 4th-3rd century(phase Ⅵ) and early 3rd to mid 1st century B.C.(phase Ⅶ).

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