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Analysis of Visit Experience and Satisfaction Level by Scenic Site Type

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 수록지정보 : 휴양 및 경관연구 / 10권 / 3호
저자명 : Youngae Kang, Hyun Kim, Jaehyun Rho


1. Introduction
2. Literature reviews
2.1 Definition and Current Status of Scenic Sites
2.2 Categorization of Scenic Sites
3. Methods
3.1 Study Design
3.2 Selection of Target Sites and SurveyParticipants
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis Method
4. Results and Discussions
4.1 Sample Characteristics and User Behavior
4.2 Difference Analysis of Visit Experience andVisit Satisfaction by Scenic Site Type
4.3 Influence Factors on Scenic Site VisitSatisfaction
5. Conclusions

영어 초록

The objective of the present study is to analyze whether there is a difference in visit experience that is based on scenic site types and to identify the influence factors of satisfaction with scenic site visits. In doing so, this study aims to provide policy-related implications for improving the scenic site categorization process with utilization in mind and for improving scenic site visitors’ experience and satisfaction levels. To this end, the study selected five representative scenic sites by scenic site type, categorized them based on the assumption that the scenic sites will be utilized as government- designated cultural assets, and conducted a survey among the visitors at the target sites. Through the survey, 654 samples were collected and used for ANOVA and regression analysis. Analysis results showed that scenic site visitors were found to travel by car about two hours on average and that approximately half of the visitors visit a scenic site without knowing its designation status. A similar trend was manifested in all scenic site types. The results of analyzing visitor experience in scenic sites showed that most visitors frequently experience the aesthetic and escapism of scenic sites while their education experience and the entertainment experience were relatively low. In addition, there was a minor discrepancy between the characteristics of scenic site type and the visitors’ actual experience; it is speculated that such a tendency arises because the current conditions and policy for utilizing scenic sites fail to fully reflect the characteristics of the resources that each scenic site has. The result of analyzing the influence factors on scenic site visit satisfaction showed that visitors’ experience levels had a stronger impact on visit satisfaction than visitors’ individual characteristics or user behavior characteristics did. In conclusion, the findings of the present study have the following implications: In order to eliminate the discrepancy between the characteristics of scenic site type and the actual experience of visitors, it is necessary to establish utilization strategies based on scenic site types; in order to improve scenic site visitors’ satisfaction levels, it is crucial to promote a scenic site utilization policy that focuses on visitor experience.

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Analysis of Visit Experience and Satisfaction Level by Scenic Site Type
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