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Landscape Plan for Promoting Rural Village Tourism - Focusing on the Ungpo Village in Iksan-si -

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 수록지정보 : 휴양 및 경관연구 / 11권 / 4호
저자명 : Jongsung Kim


1. Introduction
2. Analysis of the Current Situation
2.1 Situation and Accessibility
2.2 Topography
2.3 Natural Environment
2.4 Tourism Resources
2.5 Analysis of the Development Potential
2.6 Synthetic Analysis
3. Basic Concept
3.1 Direction of the Concept
3.2 Space Development Concept
4. Basic Plan
4.1 Layout Plan of the Support Facilities
4.2 Architectural Plan
4.3 Experiential Water-Space Plan
4.4 Remodeling Plan for Activation Cent
4.5 Experiential Exterior-Space Plan
5. Landscape Plan
5.1 Streetscape Plan
5.2 Landmark Plan for Agricultural Tourism
5.3 Night Landscape Plan
6. Conclusions

영어 초록

This plan attempts to rigorously analyze the location characteristics and surroundings of the Ungpo village from the perspective of rural landscape planning. On the basis of the analysis, a strategy for developing the village as a rural tourist hub is established by determining characteristic attractions. The ultimate objectives of this plan are to create a good living environment for the local people and provide memorable attractions to visitors, which are expected to increase the incomes and revive local community. In other words, this plan conceives a village that is an attractive place to visit and also a good place to live. The planning procedure included an analysis of the current situation, basic concept, basic plan, and landscape plan. The characteristics of this plan are as follows. First, the natural features and surroundings of the Ungpo village were reflected in designing a rural tourist hub. Second, the current infrastructure was considered in the basic plan to create a sustainable rural tourism environment. Third, a water experience space is included in order to create an amusing and exciting tour. Fourth, the existing facilities will be remodeled to create amenities for visitors. Fifth, the main focus of the plan includes the landscape plan, increasing the visibility of streets, and connecting nearby tourist attractions and the landmark plan around the rural tourism center.

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Landscape Plan for Promoting Rural Village Tourism - Focusing on the Ungpo Village in Iksan-si -
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