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痲藥類 受刑者 處遇實態에 관한 硏究

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34페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교정학회 수록지정보 : 矯正硏究 / 17권
저자명 : 宋方植


痲藥類 受刑者 處遇實態에 관한 硏究
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 痲藥類事犯의 一般的 現況 및 類型
Ⅲ. 痲藥類事犯의 矯正處遇 實態
Ⅳ. 合理的인 收容管理와 治療ㆍ再活 方案(改善策)
Ⅴ. 結論

영어 초록

Nowadays drug is common problem all over the world and has been a main concern of mankind. The abuse of drug could cause individual and national, social, and economic problem. It has been recognized as the worldwide and imminent task to solve the drug problem. The number of drug-related crimes in Korea exceeds 10 thousands for 3 years and the population of chronic drug addicts is over 20 to 30 thousands, which means passive drug policy meets the crossroads. The diffusion of drugs reflects the insensibility of drug problem in the community. It can be said that the fear and harm of drug have not been regarded as serious as the past in the community in that drug abusers can be easily found among the students, housewives, salary men, professors and politicians. In the past the main drug was hashish but now the kinds of drug are changed such as philopon, ecstasy which have strong toxication. This trend reminds us that drug users are no more afraid of the adverse effects of drugs. The most serious problem is that many addicts are found among young people. As the price of drug is down so young people can easily contact to the drug and the age of young people who start to use drug becomes younger. Drug and hallucinations among young people have been used without recognition of harm caused from the drug and can be prevailed easily because of the strong infection. Drug use usually leads to violence, theft, sexual crime and sleeping in group among young people. The policy against drug should be implemented differently from the past. Especially in the drug case of an entertainer it can be recommended that the case should be treated differently with the consideration of the effects on the young people. It is important to educate young people about the harm of drug abuse. Law enforcement agency should not satisfy just catching the drug users but pursue drug manufacturer and drug dealer to the end to eradicate the drug abuse. Together with control and punishment the systematic treatment should be done. There should be medical treatment facilities and treatment program which provide aftercare program for the drug offenders. In terms of criminal policy drug offenders can be classified as drug users, drug manufacturers and drug dealers. Among drug users they can be classified as slight and heavy addicts. For the slight addicts they should submit a memorandum which says "I will not take drug" and then sentence probation or community service order to give another chance to be rehabilitated. For the heavy addicts they can be considered as patients who need treatment instead of putting them into the prison and should be sent to the special treatment center to get fundamental treatment and rehabilitation. For the drug producers and dealers there should be harsh punishment in that they commit crimes for their own profit and have done serious harms to the people, society and the entire nation. In fact drug offenders held in prison together are classified and accommodated differently from the other inmates and they do not have many things to do. In their cell they spend time talking to each other specially slight addicts with sexual topics and it may lead them to serious addicts. They could exchange the knowledge of drug-related crimes during their stay in the prison and contact each other and then commit a crime together after release. Accordingly this study will discuss reasonable and efficient treatment for the drug offenders held in prison. First, as general notion the study will find the differences between drug and kinds of drug, the characteristics and adverse effects of drug and analyzes the actual situation. Secondly, to understand drug offenders more the thesis studies the procedure of drug addiction and theoretical part of addiction. Thirdly, the study analyzes the present treatment system. Fourthly, based on the questionnaire the study will discuss the thought of drug offenders, treatment program and aftercare program and fifthly based on analyzing the questionnaire of medical officers it explains the thoughts of medical officers and inmates. Finally it will suggest the most reasonable alternative measure which will be useful for preventing drug offenders' re-offence and leading them a sound community member.

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