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명 초 사직단 제도 개정과 조선 초 사직단 논쟁

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12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 24권 / 5호
저자명 : 백소훈


1. 서 론
2. 조선의 국가 사직단 형제
2-1 사직단의 일반적 건축 구성
2-2. 조선 전기 한양사직단 형제의 형성과정
3. 명 초 사직단 제도
3-1 명 태조 시기 태사직단과 부주현사직단 형제
3-2 명 태조 시기 왕국사직단 형제
3-4 명 초 사직단 제도 개정과 조선 한양사직단
4. 맺음말

영어 초록

Sajik, the altar of land and grain was treated as one of the most important national ritual facilities by the Joseon dynasty and the Ming dynasty because it symbolized the legitimacy of a dynasty, and its architectural ordonnance was arranged strictly by the government. But when the Joseon government considered to reconstruct its national Sajik altar in Hanyang during the Sejong period, they found the new architectural ordonnance for local Sajik altars recorded in 『Hongwulizhi(洪武禮制)』had been published by the Ming government was hard to adopt, because it was too narrow and totally different from the traditional style. Above all things, they doubt of there was other architectural ordonnance for kingdoms, not for local governments. King Sejong ordered to investigate the origin form and former examples, and tried to get other ritual documents of authority published by the Ming government such as 『Damingjili(大明集禮)』. After several academic researches and intense debates, they decided to create a new architectural ordonnance for their national Sajik altar, its form was in accord with the traditional style and its size was in accord with the new ordonnance. But they did not know there had already been the architectural ordonnance for the kingdom in the Ming dynasty. Because the first emperor of the Ming dynasty had changed its Sajik ritual system several times, even the whole country of the Ming dynasty also had gone through chaos on this issue even after his death. Consequentially, the official documentation works had been made partially, there was no a complete document on this issue even in the Ming government.

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