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1960년대 광화문 중건과정의 특성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 24권 / 6호
저자명 : 강난형, 송인호


1. 시작글
1-1.연구의 배경과 목적
1-2.연구의 대상과 방법
2. 광화문(1968)입지변화의 배경
3. 강봉진의 고건축실측과 복원설계
3-1. 선행연구를 통해 본 1960-1970년대 콘크리트구조 전통양식
3-2. 강봉진의 고건축 실측과 복원설계
3-3. 강봉진의 건축유형과 콘크리트에 대한 생각
4. 광화문(1968)중건과정의 성격
4-1. 전통미와 척
4-2.재료변화에 따른 크기와 비례
4-3. 단위요소의 구축방식
5. 맺음글

영어 초록

After the Korean war, two major attempts were made to reconstruct Gwanghwamun Gate as an important part of Korea’s lost cultural heritage. In December 2006, the Korean government replaced the concrete gate with a wooden one, yet traces of the attempts made in the 1960s to transform Gwanghwamun Gate and the main road remain to this day. At the time, the Third Republic of Korea, sought to legitimize itself in the name of modernity, and went on to modernize the architecture and urban landscape of Seoul. The location and design selected for the rebuilt Gwanghwamun illustrated the symbolic relationship between historic heritage and urban development. The reconstruction of the gate began as part of the Third Republic’s project to restore the Central Administration Building and culminated in the transformation of the main road in front of the gate. By reconstructing the traditional gate using concrete, the military government intended to convey the message that we could inherit our proud tradition using modern materials, and that we should actively adopt the new technologies of the modern era. This study begins with the premise that the Gwanghwamun reconstruction project of 1968 represents the application of new technological thinking to Korea’s architectural style, and has two objectives. The first is to summarize the reconstruction process and method using the records and drawings from the 1968 project, which was then under the leadership of architect Kang Bong-jin. The second is to analyze the characteristics of the architectural style and structure of the reconstructed Gwanghwamun so as to reinterpret the relationship between Korean tradition and modern technology.

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1960년대 광화문 중건과정의 특성
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