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Impact of Marketing Losses on Efficiency in Transacting Banana in Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh, India

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11페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국농식품정보과학회 수록지정보 : Agribusiness and Information Management / 9권 / 2호
저자명 : K. Nirmal Ravi Kumar


1 Introduction
2 Research back ground, Materials and Methods
2.1. Computation of Price spread in transacting banana:
2.2. Computation of Marketing Efficiency Index (MEI):
3 Results and Discussion:
3.1 Marketing channels:
3.2. Marketing costs incurred in transacting banana without considering marketing losses:
3.3. Price Spread in Banana marketing without considering marketing losses
3.4. Marketing costs and price spread in transacting banana considering marketing losses:
3.5. Impact of Marketing Loss on Farmer’s Net Selling Price, Margins, Price spread and Efficiency:
3.6. Constraints in marketing of banana:

영어 초록

Introduction: To analyze the impact of marketing losses on efficiency in transacting banana in Kurnool district of SRZ in Andhra Pradesh and to assess the opinions of the farmers on the constraints in transacting banana. Research back ground, Materials and Methods: The study relies exclusively on primary information obtained from the banana farmers of Kurnool District. Purposive sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the study area. Top two mandals in the district and top two villages in each mandal are selected in accordance with the area under cultivation of banana. Probability proportion to size was followed regarding the selection of sample farmers and accordingly 60 marginal, 37 small and 23 other farmers were selected and thereby, the total sample size was 120. Result and Discussion: Three marketing channels were identified in the marketing of banana in Kurnool district viz., Producer → Local-exporter → Wholesaler → Retailer → Consumer (Channel-I), Producer → Wholesaler → Cart-vendor → Consumer (Channel-II) and Producer → Juice-holder → Consumer (Channel-III). With the inclusion of marketing losses in the price spread analysis of banana in all the three channels, the marketing costs of all the intermediaries were increased and thereby, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of the agencies are on the decline. So, without inclusion of marketing losses, the farmer’s share in consumer’s rupee and Net Marketing Margins of all the agencies are overvalued. The higher the marketing losses, the more is the negative impact on farmer’s net selling price, net marketing margins of the intermediaries and marketing efficiency. The sample farmers are facing major problems in marketing of banana like frequent price fluctuations, unorganized marketing and lack of transportation facilities on priority basis. Suggestions: It is suggested to educate the farmers regarding the optimum maturity index for harvest, use of mechanical harvesters, proper placement of fruits during storage and ripening, better packaging and cushioning technologies to absorb shocks during transportation, strengthening of storage facilities and transport facilities, encourage co-operative marketing etc., to promote marketing efficiency of banana in the study area.

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Impact of Marketing Losses on Efficiency in Transacting Banana in Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh, India
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