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치안약자 노인의 범죄두려움 감소를 위한 사회복지적 개입 방안 모색 - 다층모형을 활용한 개인과 지역수준의 영향요인 분석 -

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국인간복지실천학회 수록지정보 : 한국인간복지실천연구 / 16권
저자명 : 오봉욱, 조상윤

한국어 초록

본 연구는 치안 약자인 노인의 범죄두려움의 수준과 범죄두려움에 관한 이론을 근거로 치안 약자 노인의 범죄두려움에 영향을 미치는 요인이 무엇인지 살펴보고 그 결과에 따라 사회복지적 개입 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위하여 한국형사정책연구원과 통계청에서 공동으로 [국민생활안전실태조 사]로 조사된

영어 초록

This study set out to identify factors influencing the fear of crime among the elderly vulnerable to public order based on their fear level of crime and theories on fear of crime and search for ways to make social welfare interventions according to the results. For those purposes, the study analyzed secondary data based on the raw data of National Crime Victimization Survey(Kim Eun-gyeong et al., 2014) jointly conducted by the Korean Institute of Criminology and the National Statistical Office as part of Survey on People's Living Safety. After the exclusion of respondents whose missing values were found for the variables used by the investigator, 7,877 of total 13,317 made the entire respondent group. Analyzed in the study were the data of 1,382 old people that were vulnerable to public order. Collected data were put to the independent-sample t-test to examine differences in fear of crime between the elderly group and the non-elderly group, ANOVA based on HLM to figure out the size of fear of crime variants at the individual and community level, and multilevel analysis to what were main factors. The analysis results according to the objectives were as follows: first, the individual fear of crime of the elderly(mean 2.18 points) was lower than that of entire respondents(mean 2.56 points) with the non-elderly group exhibiting a higher level of fear of crime. Secondly, all the used variables were put in the regression equation based on the theories about fear of crime, and the results show at the individual level that women had higher individual fear of crime than men and that higher educational backgrounds and perceptions of vulnerability led to higher fear of crime. Here, the standardization regression coefficient was higher in the order of vulnerability perceptions(β=0.323), gender(β=–0.169), and educational backgrounds (β=0.101). At the community level, individual fear of crime rose according to the increasing social disorder and number of businesses. Those findings raise a need for measures to reduce the fear of crime among the elderly that are vulnerable to public order including activities to prevent crimes against female senior citizens, services to decrease the social disorder such as the mobile counseling service for juvenile delinquents wandering along the streets and the safety support service for the homeless that lie around drunk and the fully drunken people, and projects to increase community ties such as a community organization project, community movement, and project of making a town for people to live together. In addition, it is required to form partnership to establish CPTED based on connections between community policing activities such as public order monitoring and citizen inspection and social welfare programs in order to prevent crimes and lower the fear of crime in the community.

참고 자료



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