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An Estimation on Average Service Life of Public Buildings in South Korea: In Case of RCC

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최종 저작일
7페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국산업경영시스템학회 수록지정보 : 산업경영시스템학회지 / 46권 / 1호
저자명 : Jung-Hoon Kwon, Jin-Hyung Cho, Hyun-Seung Oh, Sae-Jae Lee


1. 서 론
2. 미국 BLS(노동통계국)의 내용연수 산정 근거
3. 공공건물의 내용연수
4. 공공건물의 내용연수 산정
4.1 OECD, BEA, 한국감정원(1999,2013년)자료
4.2 Iowa곡선 적합에 의한 ‘제약적인’ ASL 추정
4.3 경제적 내용연수(ASL) 추정
5. 결 론

영어 초록

ASL estimation of public building is based on how appropriate the maximum age of the asset is derived based on the age record of the asset in the statistical data owned by public institutions. This is because we get a 'constrained' ASL by that number. And it is especially true because other studies have assumed that the building is an Iowa curve R3. Also, in this study, the survival rate is 1% as the threshold value at which the survival curve and the predictable life curve almost coincide. Rather than a theoretical basis, in the national statistical survey, the value of residual assets was recognized from the net value of 10% of the acquisition value when the average service life has elapsed, and 1% when doubling the average service life has elapsed. It is based on the setting mentioned above. The biggest constraint in fitting statistical data to the Iowa curve is that the maximum ASL is selected at R3 150%, and the 'constrained' ASL is calculated by the proportional expression on the assumption that the Iowa curve is followed. In like manner constraints were considered. First, the R3 disposal curve for the RCC(reinforced cement concrete) building was prepared according to the discarding method in the 2000 work, and it was jointly worked on with the National Statistical Office to secure the maximum amount of vintage data, but the lacking of sample size must be acknowledged. Even after that, the National Statistical Office and the Bank of Korea have been working on estimating the Iowa curve for each asset class in the I-O table. Another limitation is that the asset classification uses the broad classification of buildings as a subcategory. Second, if there were such assets with a lifespan of 115 years that were acquired in 1905 and disposed of in 2020, these discarded data would be omitted from this ASL calculation. Third, it is difficult to estimate the correct Iowa curve based on the stub-curve even if there is disposal data because Korea has a relatively shorter construction history, accumulated economic wealth since the 1980’s. In other words, “constrained” ASL is an under-estimation of its ASL. Considering the fact that Korea was an economically developing country in the past and during rapid economic development, environmental factors such as asset accumulation and economic ability should be considered. Korea has a short period of accumulation of economic wealth, and the history of 'proper' architectures faithful to building regulations and principles is short and as a result, buildings 'not built properly' and 'proper' architectures are mixed. In this study, ASL of RCC public building was estimated at 70 years.

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An Estimation on Average Service Life of Public Buildings in South Korea: In Case of RCC
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