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Development of moisture control technique to accelerate freezing rate of rice and meat patties

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"Development of moisture control technique to accelerate freezing rate of rice and meat patties"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Abstract

II. List of figures

III. List of tables

IV. Chapter I. Effects of moisture control technique on the freezing profiles and textural properties of rice 1
1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Sample preparation
2.2. Freezing rate and cooking
2.3. Moisture recovery
2.4. Moisture content
2.5. Texture profile analysis (TPA)
2.6. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
2.7. Statistical analysis
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Freezing rate
3.2. Effect of dryness of rice
3.3. Effects of moisture recovery
4. Conclusion

V. Chapter II. Effects of moisture control technique on the freezing profiles and physicochemical properties of pork patties
1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Sample preparation
2.2. Moisture content
2.3. Freezing rate
2.4. Cooking loss
2.5. Water holding capacity
2.6. Texture profile analysis (TPA)
2.7. Color measurement
2.8. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
2.9. Statistical analysis
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Moisture content and Water holding capacity
3.2. Freezing rate
3.3. Cooking loss
3.4. TPA
3.5. Color
3.6. Microstructure
4. Conclusion

VI. References

VII. 국문초록


Although, the various novel freezing techniques have been introduced for quick freezing of foods, the techniques have not valid for home meal replacement (HMR) or ready to eat (RTE) products such as lunch pack products. In this study, effect of moisture control on the freezing characteristics and physicochemical properties of cooked rice and meat patties was evaluated.
In the first experiment, rice was cooked by common cooking procedure and the cooked rice was dried in a 70℃ convective dryer for up to 45 min. The semi-dried rice treatments were packaged individually and frozen in a -18℃ freezer with monitoring core temperature of the sample. The frozen rice was kept at -18℃ for 1 month and heated using a 900 W microwave for 3.5 min, and moisture content and texture profile analysis (TPA) were conducted. Unfrozen control had 65.3% of moisture content, whereas the moisture content of rice decreased with increasing the drying time and..

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Development of moisture control technique to accelerate freezing rate of rice and meat patties
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