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Social Healing of Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy Through Tolerance

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10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 8권 / 3호
저자명 : Ko Chang Hoon


Introduction : When and how do Jeju peoplestart to say our social healing of Jeju 4.3 GrandTragedy by ourselves?
The Advent of the Renaissance and theRenaissance Humanism.
Local, National and Global Contexts of “ Jeju 4.3Grand Tragedy during ‘peacetime’ Korea.” -The Naming Issue
Testimony Issues of Jeju 4.3 Survivors relating toUSA Responsibility in Chicago conference
18 Jeju 4.3 Survivors’ Retrial cases in 2018 fightagainst grave legal system injustices as same asthe mid-1980s U.S. court coram nobis cases-Injustices Issues.
Recognition of “The United States’ AbsenceFrom the Social Healing Process” makes us frommoving from reactionary reconciliation to socialhealing with Justice (2013-2018)

영어 초록

Jeju ordinary people have a strong feeling of “Existing the Road to Resentment” from fact of the Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy. If we look at some kinds of phenomena or events during 2017 and 2018 during era of Moon Jaein Korean government, I would like to tell those symptoms at Korea and Jeju society. 4.3 Grassroots advocates, including victims, survivors’ families, teachers, students, lawyers, artists, filmmakers, local officials, business people, as well as Jeju, Korean, and international scholars, are fashioning next steps for Jeju 4.3 social healing. For instance, in April 2017, eighteen Jeju 4.3 victims asked the Jeju District Court to set aside unlawful 4.3 convictions based on false accusations and resulting in harsh imprisonment. In September 2018, the Jeju court agreed to reopen the survivors’ cases, granting re-trials. These Jeju survivors and their families’ lawsuit reveals the 4.3 Tragedy’s continuing damage and demonstrates the survivors’ courage in still fighting to clear their names and the names of the thousands similarly convicted during Jeju 4.3. In complementary efforts, in July 2017 a Jeju 4.3 delegation submitted to U.S. Congress foreign affairs committee members a signed petition urging U.S. participation in future 4.3 social healing efforts and asking for congressional hearings on the 4.3 Tragedy. And in December 2017, the Jeju people and Korean and international supporters proposed that the Korean government revise the 4.3 Special Act to authorize meaningful reparations for Jeju 4.3 victims and families. Additionally, Jeju justice advocates are in the process of memorializing the 1947 Jeju 3.1 National Liberation Independence Day demonstrations in the nonviolent spirit of the 1919 national liberty demonstrations. In that spirit, the Jeju people are registering the records of 1947 legal cases of 328 people involved in the demonstrations. With the Jeju peace island human rights movement, the justice supporters are also advocating for recognition of the Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy under the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme.

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Social Healing of Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy Through Tolerance
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