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Searching for New Community Model for the Aged: Jeju Jeong Nang Silver Town Model based on Whitney Center, Hyo cuture, Jeju traditional housing structure and Jeju Hanyeo community

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 8권 / 3호
저자명 : AeDuck Im, Mike RambaRosa, Christine Stopka


The need for research
Research Objectives
Overseas Research Trends
Research Trends in Korea
Research Significance
Context of Research
Anticipated Results and Potential Contribution

영어 초록

Jeju is a small island of 650,000 with a mixture of cities and farming and fishing villages, but famous for many things including longevity, Haenyeo community culture, strong sprit of Jeju Women, Kim Man Deok, etc. The elderly in Jeju rural areas including Haenyeo women divers run a community centered on labor. The women divers’ community, in particular, is the most representative community, and was inscripted by UNESCO in 2016 as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Additionally, Jeju's residential culture is unique. In Jeju area, Jeong Nang, consisting of 3 wooden bars (gate attached to fence) is used instead of a main gate. When you enter the Jeong Nang (gate), there are the Ankeorae, Barkeorae, and Mokeorae within the same fence (refer to Figure 3 below). In addition to acknowledging the economic and emotional independence between generations in different houses within the same fence, it is also a structure that encourages communal life in the yard for ritual ceremony, communal labor, playing, etc., which guarantees independence between generations plus "filial piety" for the elderly. Voluntary intergenerational communication in this space can be very significant. Jeong Nang is the main gate to connect all the family members within the fence to their neighbors. It is not closed or locked but open which signifies complete trust between neighbors. Specifically, this study seeks to utilize the spatial concept of the community of Ankeorae, Barkeorae, and Mokeorae traditional houses of Jeju as shown in the pictures above. Hanok, a Korean traditional house, is a patriarchal, economically and emotionally dependent community model in which elderly people and younger generations utilize a kitchen in common and the elderly in the house have the highest authority as a dining community. However, each generation in Ankeorae, Bakeorae, and Mokeorae has its own independent kitchen, though they are one large family within a fence connected by Jeong Nang, and they also guarantee economic and emotional independence. Intergenerational privacy is guaranteed. In addition, there is an independent space which is used when a visitor comes in or relatives visit. It is a model for communication between generations, with dignity and independence, respect, love, trust and acceptance coexisting The reasons for choosing the culture of Haenyeo community for the silver model archetype are as follows. Jeju women divers have learned how to dive without oxygen tank since they were young. They have lived on diving as Haenyeo for all their lives. Even after becoming elderly, they continue to live on diving to educate children and grandchildren. They share a sisterhood with grandmothers, great grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters. They are divided into superior, middle, and lower divers according to their ability and experience. And if one reaches 80 and 90 years of age, it will be material in the sea. As for the labor of Haenyeos, there is a saying: "We are daring to die for diving to keep our family welfare." As long as the life continues, their labor continues, their dignity is maintained as they in turn maintain the dignity of nature. Many of the “old-old” elderly divers, in their late 80s and beyond, are found floating dead in the sea while collecting shells without oxygen tank. That’s Haenyeo’s strong spirit. In 2016, for those above the age of 80, the Jeju Provincial Government decided to reinstitute the tradition of maintaining a separate area in the shallows called " Halmang Badang " (“Sea of Grandma”), so that oldest Haenyeos can safely take care of themselves. The way of life of these Haenyeos was similar to the typical life style of retired Babe Boomers, who had been devoted to social contribution until the last minute, returning expert knowledge to the community. That’s why Haenyeo community was chosen as a typical archetype for a new silver model development.

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Searching for New Community Model for the Aged: Jeju Jeong Nang Silver Town Model based on Whitney Center, Hyo cuture, Jeju traditional housing structure and Jeju Hanyeo community
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