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Mt. Halla of Jeju island is the natural birth place of Prunus yedoensis: Academic and Global Confirmation Processes of Jeju King Cherry Trees

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 8권 / 4호
저자명 : Jung-sup Kim, Kyung-won Lee, Chang Hoon Ko, Ae-Duck Im, Seunghak Oh, Geum-soon Han, Wonjae-Lee, Se-jun Im, Deok-hyeon Kim, Won-sup Koh, Jae-yong Shin, Kwang-sik Kang


Finding the Thread of Jeju King Cherry Tree fromJeju Island to Washington D.C., USA.
A Policy Agenda ‘ to connect Thread of JejuKing Cherry trees as Bio-diplomacy among JejuIsland of S. Korea, Washington D.C. and WonsanCity, North Korea through King Cherry Tree Eco-Exploration’ proposed.
It’s a time for us to consider launching of 6 PartyTalks Plus Jeju (6+1) Jeju King Cherry Tree Eco-Exploration JKCTE 2019 in March of 2019.

영어 초록

There have long been debated whether Jeju king cherry in Korea and Punus x yedoensis (Yoshino cherry) in Japan are the same or not and its originality. Recent genomic approach among P. yedoensis and closed related varieties from Korea, Japan and USA confirms that P. yedoensis is F1 hybrid. The results also show that there are two types of Jeju king cherry in Mt. Halla, Jeju, Korea and one type is clearly different and the other type is the same grouping to Yoshino cherry in Japan and USA and the maternal texa of the two types in Jeju is the same of P. pendula. The search of paternal texa of the same type and further molecular genetic analysis and classification among newly found hundreds of Jeju King Trees in natural habitats of Mt. Halla including a 265 year-old tree along with previous findings would reveal the hypothesis that two independent F1 hybrid of P. yedoensis are evolved in Mt. Halla where is the only natural birth place of P. yedoensis in the world. Furthermore, policy agenda of king cherry tree eco-exploration among six countries including two divided Korea proposed. In terms of bio-diplomacy, it was amazing fact that Jeju King Cherry trees were sent USA under Japanese colony in 1912. In 1943, USA Congressman John Rankin of Mississippi confirms that they were Korean Cherry Trees. The first four of these trees were presented to the American University in 1943 by the Korean Women’s Relief Society of Honolulu according to notice of AU’s School authority. As Jeju NAtional University students and teachers confirmed the fact in April 2018, they suggest Jeju King Cherry Trees Eco- Exploration between the two universities at university level, hoping to extend a warming program of planting Jeju King Cherry trees at the Dalma tourism complex in Wonsan city of North Korea in April of 2020.

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Mt. Halla of Jeju island is the natural birth place of Prunus yedoensis: Academic and Global Confirmation Processes of Jeju King Cherry Trees
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