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생명공학과 졸업논문_Application of miRNAs in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases

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"생명공학과 졸업논문_Application of miRNAs in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. 서론

2. 본론
2-1. Biogenesis of miRNA
2-2. Action mechanism of miRNA
2-3. P-bodies
2-4. miRNA in cancer
2-5. Presence of circulating miRNAs and its potential as cancer biomarkers
2-6. Current state of the circulating miRNA-based cancer therapy
2-7. Limitations and challenges of circulating miRNA-based therapeutics
2-8. Application of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease
2-9. Circulating miRNA profile differences in PD patients with different Levodopa dosage

3. 결론 및 고찰


MicroRNA(이하miRNA)는 short non-coding RNA로써, 대다수의 eukaryotes내의 유전자 발현을 조절하는 데에 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 수행한다. miRNA는 Dr. Victor Ambros에 의하여 처음 알려지기 시작하였는데, C.elegans의 lin-4는 단백질을 coding하지 않는 대신, small RNA pair를 형성하며 이 작은 RNA 쌍 중 smaller 22 ntds RNA가 lin-14 mRNA의 3‘-UTR 부위에서 partial complementarity로 lin-14 mRNA의 번역을 조절함을 발견하였다. 또한, C.elegans의 developmental timing을 조절하는 let-7 RNA는 다수의 mRNA를 그 target으로 하며, Drosophila melanogaster를 비롯하여 인간의 chromosome 22번 에도 보존되어 있음이 알려지게 되었다. 이후 human genome상에서는 1,000여 개 가 넘은 숫자의 miRNA가 존재함이 확인되었고, 이러한 conservation은 miRNA가 단순히 몇몇 mRNA의 번역을 조절한다는 것을 넘어서서 cell 수준에서의 differentiation, proliferation, cell cycle 더 나아가 조직의 homeostasis 유지, 기 관 형성 , developmental timing 관여 심지어는 여러 human diseases까지 human biology의 거의 모든 곳에 아주 뿌리 깊게 연관이 되어있음을 시사한다.

따라서, 이번 report에서는 miRNA의 biogenesis와 action mechanism을 다시 한 번 되짚어 봄과 동시에 현재 여러 human diseases 중에서도 특히 파킨슨씨 병과 암을 중심으로 임상에서 miRNA가 biomarker로써 진단을 위해 어떻게 이용이 되 고 있는지와 treatment를 위한 miRNA-based therapeutics들 중 몇 가지를 살펴 볼 것이다.

참고 자료

<그림-1> Nature, Conservation of the sequence and temporal expression of let-7 heterochronic regulatory RNA (published 02 November 2000)
Current Genomics, MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer ( published 11, November 2011) , Leigh-Ann MacFarlane and Paul R. Murphy, Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, 5850 College Street, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1X5, Canada
고려대학교 동물생명공학 세미나 이영식 교수님 수업자료 ‘Gene silencing by small non-coding RNAs’ 중 발췌
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, Altered MiRNA Expression in Gastric Cancer: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 중 발췌
<그림-3> World journal of Biological Chemistry, Role of microRNAs in translation regulation and cancer에서 발췌
<그림-4> Current Genomics, MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer ( published 11, November 2011) , Leigh-Ann MacFarlane and Paul R. Murphy, Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, 5850 College Street, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1X5, Canada - P-body 부분 발췌-
National library of Medicine, MicroRNA and cancer: Current status and prospective (published 1 March 2007) Wu W, Sun M, Zou GM, Chen J
<그림-5> PMC journal, MicroRNAs: tools for cancer diagnostics , T Paranjape, F J Slack, and J B Weidhaas,Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Correspondence to: Dr F J Slack, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University, PO Box 208103, New Haven, CT 06520, USA -biological roles of miRNA 중 발췌-
PMC journal, Circulating MicroRNAs in Cancer: Potential and Challenge (published online 18 July 2019), Mengying Cui, Hongdan Wang 외 5명 -Circulating MiRNAs as Promising Cancer Biomarkers-에서 일부 발췌
Clin Epigenetics, Circulating microRNAs as potential cancer biomarkers: the advantage and disadvantage, Wang H, Peng R, Wang J, Qin Z, Xue L -abstract에서 발췌-
EMBO journal, Tumour-secreted miR-9 promotes endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis by activating the JAK-STAT pathway, Zhuang G, Wu X, Jiang Z, Kasman I, Yao J, Guan Y, Oeh J, Modrusan Z, Bais C, Sampath D, Ferrara N -abstract, conclusion 일부 인용-
<그림-6> PMC journal, MicroRNAs: tools for cancer diagnostics, 이하 <그림 -5>의 저자와 동일, -MIRNA PROFILING FOR DIFFERENTIATING BOWEL CANCERS VERSUS NORMAL TISSUE 중 그림 발췌-
Protein cell, Microvesicle-delivery miR-150 promotes tumorigenesis by up-regulating VEGF, and the neutralization of miR-150 attenuate tumor development ( published 4 December 2013 ) , Yuchen Liu , Luming Zhao, Dameng Li, Yuan Yin, Chen-Yu Zhang, Jing Li, Yujing Zhang - abstract 인용 -
<그림-7> Protein cell, Microvesicle-delivery miR-150 promotes tumorigenesis by up-regulating VEGF, and the neutralization of miR-150 attenuate tumor development ( published 4 December 2013 ) , Yuchen Liu , Luming Zhao, Dameng Li, Yuan Yin, Chen-Yu Zhang, Jing Li, Yujing Zhang -supplementary figure 1 인용 -
Biol Chem journal, Microvesicle-mediated transfer of microRNA-150 from monocytes to endothelial cells promotes angiogenesis ( published 9 August 2013) -conclusion & abstract 인용-
<그림-8,9,10,11> Biol Chem journal, Microvesicle-mediated transfer of microRNA-150 from monocytes to endothelial cells promotes angiogenesis ( published 9 August 2013) - Figure 1,2,4,5 발췌 -
Internation journal of oncology, Circulating microRNAs: New biomarkers in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer (Review) , Alessandro Allegra, Andrea Alonci, Salvatore Campo, Giuseppa Penna, Annamaria Petrungaro, Demetrio Gerace (published online 1 October 2012) - Limits and challenges of circulating miRNAs 부분 일부 발췌 -
<그림-12> Frontiers in Neuroscience (mini review article), Circulating miRNAs as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease에서 figure만 발췌
<그림-13> eNeurologicalsci, Differential expression of miRNA 155 and miRNA 146a in Parkinson's disease patients ( published December 2018 )
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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생명공학과 졸업논문_Application of miRNAs in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases
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