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A case report of embryo transfer with airtransported fresh bovine embryo produced by multiple ovulation in Hanwoo

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 38권 / 2호
저자명 : Sang-Yup Lee, Seong-Eun Heo, Won-Jae Lee



영어 초록

Because multiple ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) in cattle includes several benefits such as wide spreading of genetically superior offspring for long distance, this biotechnological method has been widely applied to Hanwoo. When the recipients are not stayed close after embryo recovery from donor, the embryos are moved to other farms via several vehicles (car, train, and airplane). However, air travel induces lesser oxygen level, increased vibration, lower air pressure, higher noise, and increased exposure of cosmic radiation to living things than ground level. It was still unknown that fresh embryos obtained from multiple ovulation of Hanwoo could maintain their fertility after being transported via air plane, the present case report introduced a clinical case of MOET in Hanwoo after shipping fresh embryos via air transportation. The donor was multi-ovulated via follicle-stimulating hormone series of injection, which was followed by a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone injection and artificial insemination twice. The embryos were recovered by the uterine flushing, packed in ministraws, transported to recipients for 6 h including 1 h air flight, and then transferred to the synchronized recipients. During pregnancy diagnosis of early gestation period, 5 of 7 recipients (71.4%) presented no heat signs and showed fetal sacs with fluid under transrectal ultrasonography. After normal gestation period, all recipients naturally delivered healthy calves (male n = 2 and female n = 3) without abortion, stillbirth, and premature birth. The present case report indicated that transportation of fresh embryos for MOET via domestic flight in Korea did not affect to their fertility.

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A case report of embryo transfer with airtransported fresh bovine embryo produced by multiple ovulation in Hanwoo
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