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산릉·영건의궤 분석을 통한 조선시대 건축에서 회벽의 존재 여부 고찰1) -조선 후기 관영건축을 중심으로-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 19권 / 3호
저자명 : 이권영


1. 서론
2. 미장벽 종류와 바탕
2-1. 미장벽의 종류
2-2. 미장벽의 바탕
3. 조선시대 관영건축의 미장 벽과공법
3-1. 종묘·사묘의 제 건축물
3-2. 궁궐의 제 건축물
3-3. 왕릉의 제 건축물
4. 조선시대 민가와 사찰의 사벽
5. 결론

영어 초록

Since the 1970's, UNESCO and ICOMOS have adopted or emphasized on the principles of historic preservation. One of them is what to require a repair should not be repaired beyond the limits of the features and techniques which had been adopted in those days of establishment. On the premise, this paper is to examine the materials and technique of wall plaster work in the government building constructions in the Joseon dynasty. The result of this examination shall come up with a basic conformity in the case of repairing the building established in the late of Joseon dynasty. This paper is carried out for the proper repair and restoration of architectural cultural properties. Construction reports and other documents in those days are examined for the study. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. The materials and technique which applied to wall plaster work in those days were quite different from the present. The technique that was used to wall plaster of government buildings in those days was not a lime wall plaster, but sand coat one. The kinds of material for setting of the sand coat wall plaster had been revised with the change of the times or constructions. The main kinds of material were composed of sand, white clay, paper fiber, and cereal starch. However, the present materials were composed of sand, white clay. Therefore, the present materials and technique which applied to wall plaster work for the repair and restoration of architectural cultural properties have to be revised and corrected.

참고 자료



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산릉·영건의궤 분석을 통한 조선시대 건축에서 회벽의 존재 여부 고찰1) -조선 후기 관영건축을 중심으로-
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