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18·19세기 漢陽都城 안 宮廟의 입지와 위상

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최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 21권 / 6호
저자명 : 송인호, 조은주


1. 서 론
1-1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1-2. 연구의 범위 및 대상
2. 조선후기 한양의 도시공간과 궁묘의 성립
2-1. 도성 안 주요 시설과 간선도로의 발달
2-2. 도성 안 궁묘의 성립
3. 도성 안 궁묘의 입지와 행행(行幸)의 의의
3-1. 국왕 임어지와 궁묘 행행의 관계
3-2. 창덕궁 중심의 궁묘 행행과 경희궁 이어
4. 경복궁 중건 이후 도시공간의 변화와 궁묘 행행
4-1. 경복궁 중건이후 한성부 도시공간의 변화
4-2. 경복궁 이어에 따른 궁묘 행행의 변화
5. 결론

영어 초록

This study was aimed at analyzing the location and topology of the 'Gungmyo(宮廟)' and in Hanyang Doseong(漢 陽都城) during 18th and 19th century. Based on the changes of royal processions(行幸) which had been done between the Gungmyo and the Palace, the Gungmyo can be a barometer of cognition where the city center was. Hanyang Doseong was the the capital of Joseon(朝鮮) which had established by king Taejo(太祖). The city had been organized with Gyeongbok-gung(景福宮) as the center. However, after the Imjin War(1592), Gyeongbok-gung was destroyed and urban space was reorganized with Changduk-gung(昌德宮) which reconstructed first. As most kings in late Joseon dynasty had mainly stayed in Changduk-gung, lots of Gungmyos where a memorial service for king’s relatives had been held were established in and around the palace and the frequency of visiting the Gungmyo varied by political purpose. Therefore, the location of the Gungmyo and the rounte of parade were important to impress on the center of urban space. In 18th century, lots of King’s procession had been done with Changduk-gung as departure point. The king used to start from Donwha-mun(敦化門), and the routes included main street around Changduk-gung. It shows that the urban center focused on the east of the city. On the other hand, when the king lived in Kyeonghee-gung(慶熙宮), a secondary palace in late Joseon dynasty, the parade started from Hungwha-mun(興化門) and the urban center was expended to the west. Since Gyeongbok-gung had reconstructed in 1865, recognition scheme of urban space had changed from Changduk-gung to Gyeongbok-gung as the center. When the Gungmyo relocated western side of Gyeongbok-gung, spatial proximity of the palace and relation with facilities around downtown fed into changing the route of king's parade.

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18·19세기 漢陽都城 안 宮廟의 입지와 위상
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