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유진경 가옥(현 북촌문화센터)의 원형과 궁궐요소 차용

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최종 저작일
16페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 23권 / 5호
저자명 : 박상욱


1. 서 론
2. 건립 관련 기록
3. 건립자 유진경과 건립배경
3-1. 유진경兪- (1879~1973)의 배경과 이력
3-2. 가옥 건립배경과 과정
4. 유진경 가옥의 원형추적
4-1. 현 북촌문화센터로의 수선내용
4-2. 수선 전의 가옥
4-3. 『구술기록』에 의한 가옥
4-4. 원형추정
5. 궁궐요소의 차용
6. 유진경 가옥의 건축특성과 조영개념
7. 결 론

영어 초록

It is identified that an initial person who built of ‘Seoul Gyedong Modernized Hanok(former Min Hyeong-gi house)’ used as ‘Bukchon Culture Center’ in present, was not Min Hyeong-gi, but his wife, Yu Jin-gyeong, and she built it when 8 years went on after his death(1879~1973), and the construction year was at the gate of Chuseok in 1921. Yu Jin-gyeong was Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law in family of Yeo Heung-min who was an influential person at the late Joseon Dynasty and was widow who had only son for 3 generations. And she built this house and moved to gain daughter and live futher grandchilds together in law in new nest. It is arranged that an annex surrounds with main building as the central figure. And this house emulates Yeonkeong-dang in backyard of the Changdeok Palace for 'preservation of main building' and Chim-bang-ga-toe applied on a bedroom in a palace is applied around nobleman family's the main room. It is rare case and expresses that a palace factor is borrowed. Yu Jin-gyeong's house is that a tradition Hanok is adjusted closely in city and central and basing mode as 'protective bedding' and building concept as 'a noble and protective architecture' is realized. So it has a character that development of Hangrang architecture is appeared and Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law widow of modern upper class had a special benefit. As well as, a meaning that it is experimental house based on tradition and is build of Hanok with housekeeping as the central figure for appear a form which has minimal Hangrang for housekeeping in yangban family of modern city, can be found.

참고 자료



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