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Tungsten‑based activated carbon matrix for the catalytic oxidation of model volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and pharmaceutical VOCs from wastewater

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18페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon letters / 33권 / 4호
저자명 : Prabhakaran Natarajan, Prathyusha Chandrababu, Patchai Murugan Karmegam, Jothieswari Madasamy, Swarnalatha Somasundaram


Tungsten-based activated carbon matrix for the catalytic oxidation of model volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and pharmaceutical VOCs from wastewater
1 Introduction
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Preparation of tungsten-impregnated activated carbon matrix (WACM) catalyst
2.2 Preparation and treatment scheme of the volatile organic compounds-contaminated waters
2.3 Instrumental analysis of carbon catalysts and VOCs-contaminated water
2.4 Kinetic evaluation study for the degradation of VOCs
2.5 Response surface methodology and analysis of variance analysis
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Tungsten-impregnated activated carbon matrix preparation
3.2 Physiochemical characterisation of WACM
3.3 Instrumental characterisation of tungsten-impregnated catalyst
3.3.1 FTIR and XRD analysis of the carbon catalysts
3.3.2 EPR analysis of carbon catalysts
3.3.3 DSC and TGA analysis of the carbon catalyst
3.3.4 SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of carbon catalyst
3.4 Catalytic destruction of toluene-, ethylbenzene- and chlorobenzene-contaminated water with optimisation studies
3.4.1 Optimisation studies for the treatment of VOCs
3.4.2 Treatment and analysis of toluene degradation
3.4.3 Treatment and analysis of Ethylbenzene degradation
3.4.4 Treatment and analysis of chlorobenzene degradation
3.5 Catalytic oxidation of pharmaceutical VOCs with optimisation studies
3.6 The stability study of the catalyst
3.7 A plausible mechanism of VOCs degradation
4 Conclusion
Anchor 27

영어 초록

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a paramount factor in air pollution of the environment. VOCs are vastly present in the wastewater discharged by the pharmaceutical industries. As it is evaporative in nature, it enters the environment spontaneously and causes air pollution, global warming, acid rain and climate change. VOCs must be treated before discharging or any other aerobic methods using an efficient catalyst. As the catalytic oxidation in the liquid phase is facile compared to the gas phase, this study investigated on catalytic liquid-phase oxidation of VOCs in model and real pharmaceutical wastewater. The model compounds of toluene-, ethylbenzene- and chlorobenzene-contaminated waters were treated separately along with the VOCs present in real pharmaceutical wastewater using a tungsten-based carbon catalyst. The tungsten was impregnated on the low-cost activated carbon matrix as it has good selectivity and catalytic property toward VOCs for facile catalytic operations. The metal catalysts were characterised by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction studies, and scanning electron microscopy with elemental and mapping analysis. The treatability was monitored by total organic carbon, ultra-violet spectroscopy and high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis. The tungsten-impregnated activated carbon matrix (WACM) has a catalytic efficiency toward toluene by 85.45 ± 1.78%, ethylbenzene by 93.9 ± 1.16%, chlorobenzene by 85.9 ± 2.26% and pharmaceutical VOCs by 85.05 ± 1.73% in 20 treatment cycles. The results showed that WACM worked efficiently in VOCs treatment, preventing the environment from air pollution. Furthermore, liquid-phase oxidation could easily be implementable on an industrial scale.

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Tungsten‑based activated carbon matrix for the catalytic oxidation of model volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and pharmaceutical VOCs from wastewater
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