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한국어 정도부사의 유의어 교육방안 연구

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최종 저작일
24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국어문화교육학회 수록지정보 : 한국어문화교육 / 7권 / 2호
저자명 : 양선희


1. 서론
2. 유의 관계 정도부사 분석
3. 유의 관계 정도부사 교육 현황과 사용실태
4. 유의 관계 정도부사 교수 방법
5. 결론

한국어 초록

본 논문은 한국어 유의 관계 부사 중에서 정도부사의 교육 방안을 연구하고자 한다. 각 유의어군의 말뭉치(corpus)의 용례를 바탕으로 의미 변별 기준을 제시하고, 현재 한국어 교육에서 유의 관계 정도부사 교육현황과 사용실태를 살펴본다. 그리고 이 자료를 바탕으로 한국어 수업 시간에 활용할 수 있는 유의 관계 정도부사의 교육 방안을 마련하고자 한다.

영어 초록

This study focuses on high-frequency synonyms of degree adverbs among Korean adverbs, which have been now used in Korean language textbooks, to investigate their meaning differences. In this regard, its purpose is to give discriminating criteria of meanings, based on examples of corpus, and to prepare methods for teaching synonyms of degree adverbs according to the data. With the increasingly emphasized importance of vocabularies in the second language learning, many studies on vocabulary education have been actively even in Korean language education. For successful vocabulary learning, the vocabulary volume is required to extend. At this time, there are methods for giving similar vocabularies together to teach more vocabularies to learners. However, only dictionary definitions are difficult for them to discern the differences in their meanings. Adverbs, in particular, have many similar meanings. Among them, degree adverbs are frequently substituted in view of their common meanings. But all meanings of degree adverbs are not same, so they are different according to circumstances. These differences are difficult for Korean language learners to discern. Therefore, more specific methods and models for teaching synonymous degree adverbs are required. The framework of this study and the contents are as follows. Chapter 1 shows the importance and necessity of synonymous degree adverbs in vocabulary learning of Korean language education, as well as the purpose of this study. It also reviews plans for vocabulary teaching that have been fulfilled up to now and related precedents and examines the necessity of studying synonyms of degree adverbs. Chapter 2 investigates theories related to the contents to be studied in this study. It examines concepts of synonyms and meanings of extension of lexical competence It also examines methods for discerning meanings of synonyms. In this study, among them, the substitution test would be used. Then, it classifies adverbs, defines concepts of degree adverbs, and examines the classified degree adverbs that have been studied until now. Chapter 3 investigates degree adverbs that have been frequently used in Korean language education, before studying plans for teaching their synonyms. First, it extracts degree adverbs from 7 Korean language texts, which have been recently used in Korean language educational institutions, to examine their aspects of use. It also examines whether they are well applied or not. According to the data, it displays lists of degree adverbs by stages and examines their frequencies in consideration of integration of beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Chapter 4 discerns the differences of synonym groups through semantic discrimination, among degree adverbs that have been frequently used in Korean language textbooks. First, it examines dictionary definitions of synonyms, and combinations and meanings of vocabularies in view of examples of corpus. At this time, it examines syntactic combinations of synonymous degree adverbs, their meanings and pragmatic differences using the substitution test. Chapter 5 shows guiding plans for synonyms of degree adverbs to be used in the actual field of Korean language education. Chapter 6 finishes this paper with the above contents summarized and future subjects displayed. In this study, synonymous degree adverbs are classified for more systematic teaching of vocabularies, and teaching models are shown according to the classification. Accordingly, in the field of Korean language education, it is so meaningful in view of showing guidelines for teachers to understand discriminated meanings of synonyms of degree adverbs and teach them to learners.

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한국어 정도부사의 유의어 교육방안 연구
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