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0. Overview
1. Sound Segments
1.1. Individual Sounds
1.2. Identity of Speech Sounds
2. Articulatory Phonetics
2.1. Airstream Mechanisms
2.2. Voiced and Voiceless Sounds
2.3. Nasal and Oral Sounds
2.4. Places of Articulation
2.5. Manners of Articulation
2.6. Obstruents and Sonorants
2.7. Syllabic Sounds
3. The Phonetic Alphabet


A. Knowing a language means knowing
a. what sounds are in the language,
b. how they are strung together, and
c. what these different sound sequences mean.
B. Although some sounds in one language are not in another, the sounds of all the languages of the world together constitute a limited set.
1. Sound Segments
The study of the speech sounds that are utilized by all human languages to represent meanings is called phonetics. To describe these sounds it is necessary to decide what an "individual sound" is and how each sound differs from all others.
1.1. Individual Sounds
A. Segment

A speaker of English knows that there are three sounds in the word cat. But physically the word is just one continuous sound. You can segment the one sound into parts because you know English.
B. If you hear a man clearing his throat, you would be unable to segment the sound into a sequence of discrete units because the sounds produced are not sounds in the language.

참고 자료

Chapter 2 Phonetics: The Sounds of Language|작성자 dollti

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