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Asian and Western HRM culture and practices

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


호주대학에서 Human resource management 수업들을때의 소논문 이었습니다.
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많은 도움이 되시길 빌어요~


1. Introduction
2. Discussion
2.1 Analysis of Western and Eastern countries
2.1.1 The Western country
 United States of America
2.1.2 The Eastern Countries
 Japan
 Korea
 China
2.2 convergence and divergence
3. Conclusion

Reference List


This essay will ascertain context of the Western countries and the Eastern countries which are USA, Japan, Korea and China. First of all, the analysis of different cultures that each countries has will be conducted, because each country’s culture affects to their human resource management (HRM) and its policies. And then it will include unions, HRM system and its policies that selected countries have. Besides, international patterns of convergence and divergence in human resource management will be discussed, and which parts of HRM system are becoming similar and maintaining different with its reasons and methods.

2. Discussion
2.1 Analysis of Western and Eastern countries
2.1.1 The Western country

 United States of America
The basic background of HRM of the United States of America is that at the beginning of nineteenth century, the United States of America was a broad, almost empty land when people came from Europe. That is, it was a totally untapped territory.

참고 자료

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