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Cross-national examination and analysis of HRM

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호주에서 HRM 수업 들을때 작성한 한국과 태국의 HRM시스템 비교 분석 소논문입니다.
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Therefore, the globalization can be expressed by the liberalization of economic polices which means opening of trade or capital markets with allowing goods, services and money across the world, an increase in a foreign investment by building subsidiaries, by forming joint ventures or buying stock in foreign countries, the coming out of new international business blocs, the increased mobility of labor across national borders and increased competition in the international context which is concerned with global patterns of change, continuation, unification and diversification in the management of people (Ozbilgin 2005). Because globalization has an effect on the traditional industrial employment relations system in Asia-Pacific countries, their HRM systems undergo convergence and divergence, and then take on a new aspect. According to Budhwar (2004), Asia-Pacific countries are at different stages of industrialization and economic development. Some of them such as Japan, Australia and New Zealand have advanced economic power.

참고 자료

Reference List

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