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A Contrastive Study between English and Korean Letters of Job Application

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
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한국의 입사지원서와 미국의 cover letter를 비교 분석한 것입니다. 영문입니다. 제가 테솔 수업 때 레포트로 작성한 겁니다.



I. Introduction
1. Previous Study
2. The Present Study

II. Methodology

III. Data Analysis

1. Moves and Strategies
2. Component moves of English and Korean job application letters
3. Rhetorical strategies of English and Korean job application letters
a. Rhetorical strategies of English job application letters
b. Rhetorical strategies of Korean job application letters

IV. Conclusion

V. References


The purpose of this study is to compare English with Korean job applicatiion letters. This study focused on the job application letters, whose type is advertising, in the sense that they are very important in our life and reveal ways of thinking and value systems of our society.
My reserch questions are as followes: Do Korean letters of job application as compared to English use the same or different rhetorical move preferences to describe the same communicative purpose? Do Korean letters of job application as compared to English use the same or different rhetorical stategies when it comes to lexical phrases and politeness?
The methods of this study are grounded in cross-sectional study. Ten advertising job application letters were collected from the internet. On the basis of the corpus, specific moves and strategies of each language were analyzed.
The result of this study presents that the English job application letters reveal 8 component moves: (1) Opening, (2) Referring to the source of information, (3) Offering candidature, (4) Promoting candidature, (5) Enclosing documents, (6) Soliciting response, (7) Indicating willingness for personal interview, (8) Ending politely. On the other hand, Korean job application letters have 10 different component moves: (1) Growth background, (2) School life, (3) Family background, (4) Academic background, (5) Personal character, (6) Motto, (7) Job career, (8) Special skills, (9) Motivation, (10) Ambition. It turns out that the rhetorics of English application letters are simple and concise, but those of Korea job application letters are narrational and metaphorical.

참고 자료

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