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Gravimetric Determination of Calcium as CaC2O4H2O

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Gravimetric Determination of Calcium as CaC2O4H2O
Harris 분석화학


Experimental section
Results and discussion


Gravimetric Determination of Calcium as CaC2O4H2O

Calcium ion can be analyzed by precipitation with oxalate in basic solution because the oxalate anion is a week base. Large, easily filtered , relatively pure crystals of product will be obtained if the precipitation is carried out slowly. This can be done by dissolving Ca2+ and C2O42- in acidic solution and gradually rasing the PH by thermal decomposition of urea.

-Gravimetric analysis
The mass of a product is used to caculate the quantity of the original analyte (the species being analyzed). Exceedingly careful gravimetric analysis by T.W Richard and his colleaques early in the twenieth century determined the atomic masses of Ag, Cl and N to six-figure accuracy. This Nobel Prize-winning research allowed the accurate determination of atomic masses of many elements. In combution analysis , a samlpe is burned in excess oxygen and product are measured. Combustion is typically used to measure C, H, N, S and halogens in organic compounds.
The ideal product of a gravimetric analysis should be very pure insoluble , and easily filterable and it should passes a known composition.

참고 자료

• http://www.chemistry.nmsu.edu/image2/2004_LECTURE%207.pdf
• http://bcs.whfreeman.com/qca7e/default.asp?s=&n=&i=&v=&o=&ns=0&uid=0&rau=0
• Experimental Quantitative Analysis
( Quick Manuals for the Chemical Instrumentations )
by Lee, Dong Sun and published by Dae Woong
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Gravimetric Determination of Calcium as CaC2O4H2O
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