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Human Security and Conflict Resolution

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
가격 7,000원 할인쿠폰받기


본 Essay는 제가 런던정경대(London School of Economics & Political Science)의 국제관계학 석사 과정 시 작성했던 Essay이며, 70점 이상을 받았던 Essay 입니다. (일반적으로 70점 이상은 전체 학생의 5~10%에게 부여)

Essay Question 은 Does the concept of ‘human security’ add anything to our understanding of conflict and its resolution? 이며 편의상 Human Security and Conflict Resolution는 제목으로 바꿔서 올립니다.

참고로 제 Essay 및 논문을 표절의 형식으로 사용하시지 않길 요청드리며, idea generation 의 참고자료로 사용하시길 부탁드립니다.


I. Introduction : meanings of ‘human security’
II. Emergence of the Concept of Human Security : In Theoretical and Historical Perspective
III. Human Security in Conflict and Peace Studies : Sceptical Views
IV. Human Security : With Regards to the Notion of ‘Structural Violence’
V. Human Security Approach : Usefulness in Conflict Resolution
VI. Conclusion


As argued, it is difficult to affirm the usefulness of the concept of human security without considering further implication and practicability of the concept. Also, as Olson points out, whether human insecurity is consequences or causes of conflict is controversial. Those who believe in human security as a causal factor (in grievance side) tend to be too inclusive and broad by taking into account all possible causes of conflict under the heading of ‘human security’ whereas those who think of human security as a dependent variable (in greed side) seem to exclude the possibility that other explanatory variables(such as environmental degradation, drought, diseases) rather than conflict itself may better explain human insecurity as a dependent variable.
However, the concept of human security seems to add many things to understanding of conflict and its resolution. Firstly, though the concept of state-based security still seems to be of significance, considering declining importance of fixed territorial border and globalsation as a driving force in domestic politics and individuals’ lives, we need to pay enough attention to human security matter.
Secondly, the concept of security seems to be useful in the sense that the emergence of the concept certainly reflects the changing reality as well as theoretical framework in international relations.
Thirdly, despite its weaknesses by defining security too broadly, human security approach is thought to fit into Galtung’s notion of structural violence and positive peace than any other approaches. That is, though most theories and frameworks in current conflict analysis put too much focus on visible causes of violent conflict, the concept of human security seems to intentionally tackle the structural causes of violence at different levels.

참고 자료

Bajpai, Kanti. “Human Security : Concept and Measurement” in Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Working Paper, (August, 2000) www.ciaonet.org/wps/baj01/

Bellamy, Alex. J. & McDonald, Matt., “The Utility of Human Security : Which Humans? What Security? A Reply to Thomas & Tow”, Security Dialogue 33, no.3 (September, 2002)

Galtung, Johan. “Violence, Peace and Peace Research” Journal of Peace Research 6, (1969)

Goodhand, Jonathan. and Hulme, David., “From Wars to Complex Political Emergences”, Third World Quarterly 20, no.1 (February, 1999)

Hampson, Fen. Osler. et al. Madness in the Multitude, (Oxford : OUP, 2002)

Holland, Martin. & Smiths, Steve., Explaining and Understanding International Relations, (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1991)

Howarth, David. “Discourse Theory” in David Marsh & Gerry Stoker (eds.) Theory and Methods in Political Science, (London : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1995)

McRae, Rob. “Human Security in a Globalized World” in Rob McRae and Don Hubert (eds.), Human Security and The New Diplomacy, (Canada : McGill-Gueen’s University Press, 2001)

Mitchell, Christopher. “Necessitus Man and Conflict Resolution : More Basic Questions about Human Needs Theory”, in John W Burton (ed), Conflict : Human Needs Theory, (London : Macmillan, 1990)

Paris, Roland. “Human Security : Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?” International Security 26. no.2 (Spring, 2001)

Thomas, Nicholas. & Tow, William. T., “The Utility of Human Security : Sovereignty and Humanitarian Intervention”, Security Dialogue 33, no.2 (June, 2002)
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