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마케팅 원론 - IBM

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IBM에 관한 레포트 <영문>




“We sell computer hardware and software.”
“We deliver solutions to customers’ information technology problems.”
“if you ask IBM manager to define the business”
Ten years ago
Laboring under a pretty bad case of marketing myopia, a heavily product-focused IBM lost sight of its customers’ needs.
As a result
IBM has undergone a remarkable
As customer needs changed, IBM didn’t, and it’s fortunes slipped accordingly.
The early 1990s
Big Blue’s:
Market share and stock price were falling rapidly.
New CEO Louis Gerstner.
He brought a renewed customer focus to IBM what he called “bear hugging- customers”
customer buying solutions to ever-more-bewildering information technology problems.
New high-tech, connected age, companies must master a dizzying array of information technologies to serve not only their customers but also suppliers, distributors, and employees.
This realization led to a fundamental redefinition of IBM’s business.
Corporate computing is getting more and more confusing for customers.
Focus has greatly promoted the role of services relative to hardware and software in the IBM mix.
The company now offers an expanded set of IT consulting, total systems management, strategic outsourcing, and e- business services.
It helps customers IT systems to bringing them up to speed on e commerce.
Services are now IBM’s hottest growth area.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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