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Apple의 마케팅 기법 분석(STP, 4P)

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Apple iPod의 마케팅 기법 분석 (STP 분석, 4P분석)


1 Introduction to the Company
1.1 History:
1.2 Headquarters:
1.3 Co-founders :
1.4 CEO :
1.5 Industry
1.5.1 Hardware
1.5.2 Software
1.5.3 Consumer Electronics
1.6 Retail stores
1.7 Competitors
1.8 Logos
1.9 Mission & Vision
2 About iPod
2.1 Apple’s iPod and its characteristics
2.2 Design regarding physical human factors
2.3 Design regarding cognitive human factors
2.4 Design regarding cultural human factors
2.5 Being different from other MP3 Players
2.6 Design regarding emotional human factors
2.7 Generations
3 SWOT Analysis
3.1 Strength
3.2 Weakness
3.3 Opportunity
3.4 Treat
4.1 Segmentation
4.1.1 Geographic variables
4.1.2 Demographic variables
4.1.3 Psychographic variables
4.1.4 Behavioral variables
4.2 Targeting
4.2.1 Geographic variables
4.2.2 Demographic variables
4.2.3 Psychographic variables
4.2.4 Behavioral variables
4.3 Positioning map
5 4Ps
5.1 Product
5.2 Price
5.3 Place
5.4 Promotion
6. Competitors
7 Customers’ response
8 Future Strategies


1 Introduction to the Company
1.1 History:
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and closely related software product. Apple is one of the firms that had been looking for ways to transform the digital computer into a home appliance since its foundation in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Founded in the first personal computing generation, it is Apple and the charismatic Steve Jobs that have consistently found a way to touch the zeitgeist. Apple’s consumer products have found expanding consumer markets around the world, beginning with the Apple II computer which was widely adopted in education during the 1970s. The time from 1989 to 1991 is called “the golden age” of Apple. During this time, Apple branched out into consumer electronics. Throughout the mid to late 1990s, Apple tried to improve its operating system`s multitasking and memory management. The development of Apple from 2005 to present is marked by the Intel partnership. Apple`s success during this period was evident in its skyrocketing stock.
Apple is famous for engineering talent, innovation, perseverance, and success in spite of dysfunctional behavior. Apple computer has the unique distinction of being the single surviving company from the early days of personal computing that is still in business and is still successfully selling computers, as well as challenging the other companies in the operating systems.

참고 자료

BBC News, Apple enjoys ongoing iPod demand, Retrieved on April 27, 2008 from
Blackfriars (2006), The value of Apple’s marketing strategy,
Retrieved May 2, 2008 from
ChannelRegister, Apple faces patent lawsuits over its iPod, 2005-03-10.
Retrieved March 21, 2008 from
CNET News (2005), Apple spends a bundle on iPod ads, Retrieved May 1, 2008 from
CNNMoney (2007), Fortune 500, Retrieved April 22, 2008 from
Cruikshank, J.L (2005), The Apple Way, NewYork: MacGraw Hill Pub. Co
Economist, Innovation lessons from Apple, Retrieved March 31, 2008 from
Eisenberg, A. (2007), What did the professor say? Check your iPod,
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