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중국에 진출한 BBQ

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


중국에서 교환학생 갔을때 제출한 레포트 입니다.
중국에 진출한 우리나라 패스트푸드 기업인 BBQ의 소개에 대해 나와 있습니다.
모두 중국어로 작성된 레포트 입니다.


(( 比比客))
Ⅰ. 中国市场的特点
Ⅱ. 中国快餐市场简介
Ⅲ. 韩国快餐中国进入案例
Ⅳ. 结论: 去在中国世界
v .参考文献


摘 要

在2003 BBQ在中国市场上推进了通过形成名为上海BBQ的合资企业限制与由中国最大的民营企业东方希望,是一个在瓷的最大的私人企业。
当两BBQ` 如BBQ比其他国家,可能是有效的中国市场上事业务模式和中国食物文化和相关风俗被考虑,特权系统。
适合中国口味和味道介绍新的服务吸引顾客入 。
口号出去吃饭卖文化, BBQ准备推进入全世界横跨中国市场。


The company, a leading franchise group in, Korea, which has visioned that franchise is based on sharing happiness and wealth, runs a business model characterized by the concept of chicken university and venturing strategy research institute.
As of 2003 BBQ advanced in Chinese market by forming a joint venture named Shanghai-BBQ Limited with Hee-Mang group, which is one of the largest private enterprise in china. When both the BBQ`s business model and Chinese food culture and related customs are considered, franchise system like BBQ is more likely to be effective in Chinese market than any other country. With the belief that Korean taste and flavor itself is the source of BBQ`s competitiveness.
New service, which fit Chinese tastes and flavor are being introduced to attract customers .
With the slogan that eating out is selling the culture, BBQ is ready to advance into world wide across Chinese market

참고 자료

http:// www.bbq.com.cn
*Chinese franchise industrial present condition and Korean enterprise advance strategy (Korea Traders Association) 2006
*The Impact of Entrepreneurship of Franchisees on Their Business Performance: Mediation Effecfs of Market Orientation and Relationship Commitment ( Sung Wook Yoon )2008
*Internationalization of franchise enterprise (lee dong gi) 2005
*Exploratory Multi-case Study on the Drivers of Franchise Internationalization ( Ki Hwan Kwon ) 2007
*The Determinants of Fast-food Franchise Performance ( Ju Young Park ) 2007
*Organizational Characteristics Facilitating the Internationalization of Korean Franchising Companies (kim hee jung) 2007
*BBQ brand management strategies(yun hong gun)2005
*Franchise industrial present condition of China and advance strategy of our enterprise (jungbo tongsin jinhunghui) 2006
* Korean eating out franchise (kim sung su) 2005
*BBQ原则的胜利 出版社:M&B 2006
*Fast Food 出版社: Scholastic (Freymann, Saxton/ Elffers, Joost) 2006
*加盟店经营和创业 出版社:韩国生产性本部 (su jung hyun) 2008
*Franchise marketing strategy 出版社: juang gyungjae (o se jo) 2007
*Franchise management theory 出版社:du nam (o se jo) 2006
*加盟店成功学 出版社:cheinstore (sul bong sik) 2008


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