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영문에세이_Serving in military

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
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Should all Korean men serve in military? Since the Japanese started the draft during their occupation of Korea, almost young men have always had to serve in the military as a part of their civic duty.
However, not all Korean men are willing to make this “self-sacrifice” for their nation. Every year there are about 1,500 young Korean men in prison for refusing to join the military. In 2005 alone, more than 800 young Korean males chose prison rather than serve in Korea’s military. Most of these men were conscientious objectors - people whose religious of personal beliefs prevent them from joining the military.

Still others seek alternative and more drastic ways to avoid serving in the military. Young men have used their intentionally maimed themselves, while others have used their family’s influence and/or money to avoid the draft.

In 1999, there was a large sandal involving parents, doctors, brokers, and members of the military who exchanged bribes in order to exempt male members of their family from the military.

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