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리먼 브라더스의 파산 원인과 전망(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


리먼 브라더스가 파산한 원인과 앞으로의 전망에 대한 논문 입니다. (영문입니다)


Ⅰ. Intro
■ Preview of Lehman Brothers

Ⅱ. Main subject
1. The golden age`s of Lehman Brothers
2. Social crisis in the USA before the Lehman`s bankruptcy
1) The fall of asset value on the sub-prime market
2) Reforming U.S. mortgages and converting loans on real properties into securities in the 1980s
3) Converting a loan on real property into securities and a chained crisis
3. The direct facts affecting the Lehman`s bankruptcy
1) What is the sub-prime mortgage crisis?
2) The mortgage market
3) Causes
4. The extent of damage
1) Bankruptcy
2) Liquidation via bankruptcy court

Ⅲ. Conclusion
1. What should they have to do to protect the bankruptcy?
2. Our opinion

■ Reference


Ⅰ. Intro
■ Preview of Lehman Brothers
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc was a global financial-services firm active prior to its bankruptcy and sale in 2008. The firm did business in investment banking, equity and fixed-income sales, research and trading, investment management, private equity, and private banking. It was a primary dealer in the U.S. Treasury securities market. Its primary subsidiaries included Lehman Brothers Inc., Neuberger Berman Inc., Aurora Loan Services, Inc., SIB Mortgage Corporation, Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB, Eagle Energy Partners, and the Crossroads Group. The firm`s worldwide headquarters were in New York City, with regional headquarters in London and Tokyo, as well as offices located throughout the world.
On September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection; the filing marks the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. The following day, Barclays PLC announced its agreement to purchase, subject to regulatory approval, Lehman`s North American investment-banking and trading divisions along with its New York headquarters building. On September 20, 2008, a revised version of that agreement was approved by Judge James Peck.

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