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Marat Assassinated by Jacques-Louis David

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프랑스 혁명 전후, 로맨티시즘과 네오클래시즘이 거의 동시에 발달되었다. 당시, 아마 현재까지도 가장 위대한 정치적 그림이라고 할 수 있는 다비드의 `마라의 죽음`에 대해 그림의 성향과 그 역사적 배경에 대해 고찰한 영문 레포트.




Marat assassinated, or the death of Marat (La mort de Marat) (1793, Oil on canvas, 165 x 128.3) by Jacque-Louis David is considered to be the greatest political painting of the French Revolution. It is currently located in Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium (Musee Royaux des Beaux-arts de Belgique) in Brussels, Belgium. The temperate aesthetic in the paining clearly shows that it is Neoclassicism artwork, but it would be hard to ignore the fact that it also holds a touch of Romanticism; perception of grief, idealization of death, and a methodical composition focusing on the victim and iconographic reminiscence of a Christian Martyr. I will be analyzing critical characters of Romanticism and Neoclassicism, studying the epoch of a social and political upheaval in France, and looking at the influence on Marat assassinated.

참고 자료


Abidor, Mitch, translated from a contemporary account by Lebois of the muder of Jean-Paul Marat in 1793

Beckett, Wendy, Sister Wendy’s 1000 masterpieces: Sister Wendy Beckett’s selection of the greatest paintings in Western art, New York; DK ADULT, 1999.

Beckett, Wendy, Sister Wendy’s Story of Painting, New York; DK ADULT (Enhanced and Expanded Edition), 2000.

Benton, Tim, The Concept of High Art and the Reaction To it, Milton Keynes; Open University Press, 1972.

Boime, Albert, Art in an Age of Revolution, 1750-1800, Chicago; University of Chicago press, 1990.

Clark, Kenneth, the Romantic Rebellion: Romantic versus Classic art, London; John Murray & Sotheby, 1973.

Crow, Thomas, Emulation: making artists for revolutionary France, New Haven; Yale Centre for British Art, c1995.

Irwin, David, Neoclassicism A&I (Art and Ideas), London; Phaidon, 1997.

Wilton-Ely, John, "Neo-classicism." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online.

Kleiner, Fred S. & Christin J. Mamiya, Gardener’s art through the ages, 13th ed. Belmont, CA; Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008.

Pressly, Nancy L., The Fuseli Circle in Rome: early Romantic art of the 1770s, New Haven; Yale Centre for British Art, c1979.

Simon, Lee, David A&I, London; Phaidon, 1999.

Simon, Lee, "David, Jacques-Louis." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online.
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Marat Assassinated by Jacques-Louis David
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