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The Difference of Cultural Identity as Immigrants

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




Since Marian Hyun and Amy Wu are 2nd generation immigrants, it is true that they are regarded as Americans. Even though they are Americans internally, their external physical appearance show that they are not free from native country. That is why they are inevitably affected by both American and native cultures. However, Marian Hyun and Amy Wu`s Cultural identity is disparate, due to difference of perceptions about 1)their native culture, 2)American culture, and 3)self-status as immigrants.

1)Mirian Hyun has a short understanding of her native culture compared with Amy Wu.
Since she did not understand the fact that marriage is considered as the union of both families in Korea, She planned a small-sized private marriage ceremony. And she did not want to know why Korean side people complain her marriage. Moreover, she generalized her narrow-minded experience and that caused a hugh misunderstanding about Korean culture. Amy Wu knows that her cold treatment in Chinatown comes mainly from her inability of speaking Cantonese. Even though her understandings is superficial, she was concerned more with her cultural background than Marian Hyun. If she were Marian Hyun, she would have stereotyped that Chinatown people are not friendly.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Difference of Cultural Identity as Immigrants
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