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Heuristic Routing

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14페이지/ 한컴오피스
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Heuristic Routing에 대한 정의, 배경, 특징, 응용분야에 대한 영어리포트입니다.
좋은 성적 받았구요. 레퍼런스와 씨테이션이 완벽하게 되어있습니다.
영국대학 재학시 제출했던 리포트입니다
좋은 참고 되기를 바랍니다~~


2The Structure
3Algorithms and complexity
4Heuristic techniques
4.1Evolutionary algorithms
4.2Support Vector Machines


1 Introduction
The term heuristic is used for algorithms which find solutions among all possible ones ,but they do not guarantee that the best will be found, therefore they may be considered as approximately and not accurate algorithms. These algorithms, usually find a solution close to the best one and they find it fast and easily. Sometimes these algorithms can be accurate, that is they actually find the best solution, but the algorithm is still called heuristic until this best solution is proven to be the best. The method used from a heuristic algorithm is one of the known methods, such as greediness, but in order to be easy and fast the algorithm ignores or even suppresses some of the problem`s demands.
The most important among a variety of topics that relate to computation are algorithm validation, complexity estimation and optimization. Wide part of theoretical computer science deals with these tasks. Complexity of tasks in general is examined studying the most relevant computational resources like execution time and space. The ranging of problems that are solvable with a given limited amount of time and space into well-defined classes is a very intricate task, but it can help incredibly to save time and money spent on the algorithms design.

참고 자료

   S. Gunn. 2000, Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression, ,viewed 3 Aug 2009, URL:http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/srg/publications/pdf/SVM.pdf.

 Walter Maner, 2001, Heuristic Methods , viewed 3 Aug 2009,

 T. Cormen, Ch. Leiserson, R. Rivest., 1990, Introduction to algorithms. MIT Press, Boston.

 R. Battiti., 1996, Reactive search: towards self-tuning heuristics in Modern heuristic search methods. Wiley&Sons, New York.

 Churchill, R.V. and Brown, 1994, Complex Variables and Applications. McGraw-Hill. New York.
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