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Deflection Routing

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Deflection Routing에 대한 정의, 배경, 특징, 응용분야에 대한 영어리포트입니다.
좋은 성적 받았구요. 레퍼런스와 씨테이션이 완벽하게 되어있습니다.
영국대학 재학시 제출했던 리포트입니다
좋은 참고 되기를 바랍니다~~


1Overview & Background
3Basic concept
6Deflection Routing Protocol
6.1. Node functions
6.2. Routing Procedures
7Performance of Deflection Routed Networks
7.1 Characteristics of Deflection Routing
7.2 Manhattan Street Network and ShuffleNet
7.3 Single buffer vs. Hot Potato Routing


1.Overview & Background
Deflection routing is another approach to resolve the contention of optical packets. When packets are routed to a certain port that is not available at the time, they are deflected to other routes according to its algorithm. The performance of the overall network is thus sacrificed for the buffer-less routers. The whole network can be viewed as a big buffer and this limits the load the system can handle. It is usually combined with wavelength conversion to optimize the performance and the cost of the system. In the project, the trade-off will be examined.
One of the major problems in an optical network is to resolve packet contentions at the outputs of intermediate nodes in the network C. Qiao and M. Yoo, 1999. `Optical Burst Switching (OBS): A New Paradigm for an Optical`, J. High Speed Networks, 8, pp. 69-84.
. Similar to the electronic networks, some buffering effect needs to be applied to the optical networks as well. The effect of buffering can be achieved in three dimensions in an optical packet switching network: time, wavelength and space. Time dimension is the traditional buffering utilizing memory buffer, either by converting optical signal to electronic signal (O/E) or using a delay line to slow down the traveling packet in the network. Deflection routing gives the best results in meshed networks. Thus, the discussion below will analyze the performance of deflection routing.

2. Introduction
One of the simplest and most aesthetically pleasing routing algorithms is hot potato or random routing or detection routing. When a packet arrives at a node, the node either keeps the packet (if the packet is addressed to the node) or sends it out on a randomly chosen link.

참고 자료

   T. W. Chung, 2001, Architectural and Engineering Issues for Building an Optical Internet, viewed 4 Aug 2009, URL:

 J. S. Turner, 2000, Terabit Burst Switching, viewed 4 Aug 2009, URL: http://www.arl.wustl.edu/~jst/ projects/TerabitBurst.html

 A. Muller and D. Stoyan., 2002, Comparison Methods for Stochastic Models and Risks., Wiley, New York.

 R. Ramaswami and K. N. Sivarajan, 1998, Optical Networks A Practical Perspective, Kaufmann, San Francisco.

 S. Subramaniam and R. Barry, 1997, Wavelength Assignment in Fixed Routing WDM Networks, Proc. IC, Montreal
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