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Teaching by principles 3/E Chapter 11 Techniques and Materials

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


TBP 3rd edition 요약본입니다.
발표자료로 사용한 건데
잘되었다고 교수님께 칭찬받았습니다. ^^*


■ Techniques Redefined
■ Categorizing Techniques: a bit of history
■ A Taxonomy of Technique
■ Textbooks
■ Textbook Adaptation
■ Textbook Evaluation (Criteria, Robinett, 1978)
■ Other Texts And Visual Aids
■ Topics For Discussion, Action, And Research.


■ Techniques Redefined
1. Task
- 특화된 교수기법(a specialized form of techniques) 혹은 의사소통적 교육과정에 밀접하게 연결된 일련의 교수기법(series of techniques closely allied with communicative curricula) ⇒ 의사소통적 목표(communicative goals)를 가짐.
- its focus on the authentic use of language for meaningful communicative purposes beyond the language classroom

2. Activity
- virtually anything that learners do in the classroom; a reasonably unified set of student behaviors, limited in time, preceded by some direction from the teacher , with a particular objectives
- role play, drills, games, peer-editing, small-group information-gap exercises…

3. Procedure
- Richards and Rodgers(2001): 특정 방법에 따라 언어의 교수에 사용하는 실질적 순간순간의 교수기법, 실천, 행동들. the actual moment-to-moment techniques, practices, and behaviors that operate in teaching a language according to a particular method.

4. Practice, behavior, exercise, strategy .. ⇒ technique
5. Technique
- a superordinate term to refer to various activities that either teachers or learners

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