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Aurora kinase

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Cell cycle과 밀접한 관련이 있는 Aurora kinase에 대해 PPT로 간략하게 정리한 것입니다~! 도움되었으면 좋겠네요~!


제목 : Multiple functions of Aurora kinases in the regulation of mitosis
1. cell cycle
2. Aurora kinase
3. Aurora kinase A
4. Aurora kinase A principle
5. Aurora kinase b
6. Aurora kinase A, B 비교
7. Aurora kinase C
8. 마감~!


Main phenomenon of cell cycle
-Chromosome condensation, aligment, segregation

관여된 주요 mitotic protein kinases
-Polo-like kinase(Plk)
-Aurora kinase
Aurora kinase A
①Condensation된 chromosome이 Ran-GTP를
Importin α,β-TPX2 complex에 binding.
②TPX2 release.
(TPX2 : microtubule-associated protein)
③Aurora A에 붙어 있는 PP1γ를 떼어냄.
④Aurora A는 autophosphorylation and activation
⑤TPX2를 phosphorylation하고 binding하여 PP1
결합을 억제
⑥Recruit spindle assembly factors(Eg5) and
formation of the bipolar spindle.

참고 자료

1. Richard D. Carvajal et al(2006), Aurora kinases: New Targets for Cancer Therapy, 34(2), 175-182
2. John R. Rollard et al. (2009), Discorvery and Development of Aurora kinase Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents, J Med Chem, 52(9)
3.Giannis Mountzios et al(2008), Aurora kinases as targets for cancer therapy, Cancer teratment Reviews, 34, 175-182
4. Chun-Ting Chen et al(2009), A Last-Minute Rescue of Trapped Chromatin, Cell 136(3) : 397-9
5. Zhong-Zhe Lin et al(2009), The Aurora kinase inhibitor VE-465 has anticancer effects in pre-clinical studies of human hepatocellular carcinoma, Journal of Hepatology 50, 518-527
6. Oliver Gautshi et al(2008), Aurora kinases as Anticancer Drug Targets, Clin Cancer Res, 14(6) : 1639-1648
7. Dale O. Cowley et al(2009), Aurora-A kinases Is Essential for Bipolar Spindle Formation and Early Development, Mol Cell Biol. 29(4):1059-71
8. Altaf A. Dar et al(2008), Aurora kinases A Inhibition Leads to p73-Dependent Apoptosis in p53-Deficient Cancer Cells, Cancer Res; 68(21)
9. Jingyan Fu et al(2009), A single amino acid change converts Aurora-A into Aurora-B-like kinase in terms of partner specificity and cellular function, PNAS, 106(17) : 6939-6944
10. Teresa Sardon et al(2008), Dissecting the role of Aurora A during spindle assembly, The EMBO Journal. 27 : 2567-2579
11. Madhu Kollareddy et al(2008), Aurora kinases : structure, fuctions and their association with cancer, Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub, 152(1) : 27-33
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