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essay (Three values of Korea) 3pages

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미국 UVM 대학에서 이것도 B0 받은 자료입니다,
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Three Values of Korean
Have you ever heard about many different values of many nations before? To learn about different cultures’ values is one of the most interesting and important factors in order to live in this kind of “cross-cultural society,” due to the fact that many nations have their unique values. For many nations, then, to know about Korea whose economic growth has improved significantly within a short period should be interesting and important. There are three of the most outstanding values of Koreans; they are gender role, impatience, and courtesy.
In the first place, one of the most prominent features of Koreans is definitely gender role. Influenced by one of the Confucian ideas called “Nam Nyu You Byul,” which has definition that the role of men and women should be separated, many of the Koreans have been embedded that men ought to be superior to women since approximately A.D. 300. more jobs recently compared to the past, many people in Korea still would consider women’s role as doing some house chores and bringing up children, whereas men’s role is to earn money and take a rest at home. According to MBC news report, which is one of the most popular broadcasting in Korea, a woman who is a professor and who has a husband having no occupation is doing almost house chores herself. This report illustrates that the idea of different gender role still dominates in Korea.
Another culture value of Koreans is impatience. They would not bear accessing the internet of other nations because the speed of that of other nations is somewhat slow. This reflects that Koreans are impatient. Their unique personality, impatience, can be easily seen many places, particularly the places where crowded with people. Many foreigners, for example, tend

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