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all about walmart

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
37페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Identify and evaluate the strategies that Wal-Mart pursued to maintain its costs leadership position?...............................................................................
1) firm structure
2) HRD
3) Technical development
a) Pos system ( Point of sale)
b) Launch own satellite ( WSN : Wal-Mart satellite network)
c) RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)
4) Purchasing
a) Large purchase
5) Distribution
a) Cross-docking system
Regional distribution center
6) Store
7) Merchandising
8) Marketing
9) Service
10) Procurement
a) QR( Quick response)
b) VMI( vendor managed inventory)
11) SCM( supply chain management)
12) Construction policy
2. Evaluate Wal-Mart’s competitive environment…………………………. Porter’s 5 forces
3. Discuss the importance of changes in the external environment to an organization like Wal-Mart…………………………………………….
4. What conclusions can be drawn from a review of Wal-Mart’s financial performance over the decade of the 1990? From this review, what can you conclude about the financial future of the firms?......................................
5. Speculate on how much impact the “absence” of Sam Walton had on the forward momentum of the organization. What steps have been or should be taken by management to continue Sam Walton’s formulas for success?....
• CEO of the Decade
• Man of the Year
• Discounter of the Year
6. Is Wal-Mart’s competitive advantage imitable?...........................................
7. What are the challenges facing Wal-Mart in the New Millennium?..........


1. Identify and evaluate the strategies that Wal-Mart pursued to maintain its costs leadership position?
2. Evaluate Wal-Mart’s competitive environment
3. Discuss the importance of changes in the external environment to an organization like Wal-Mart
4. What conclusions can be drawn from a review of Wal-Mart’s financial performance over the decade of the 1990? From this review, what can you conclude about the financial future of the firms?
5. Speculate on how much impact the “absence” of Sam Walton had on the forward momentum of the organization. What steps have been or should be taken by management to continue Sam Walton’s formulas for success?
6. Is Wal-Mart’s competitive advantage imitable?
7. What are the challenges facing Wal-Mart in the New Millennium?
8. What recommendations do you have for CEO Lee Scott


1. Identify and evaluate the strategies that Wal-Mart pursued to maintain its costs leadership position?...............................................................................

Basically for maintain cost leadership company needs to effort to reduce costs through many parts of activities. And mainly there is state of the art behind company.
This time we will analyze Wal-Mart which has high market share in retail industry by applying cost leadership – business level strategy.
We can find out that How Wal-Mart could maintain its cost leadership position by approaching 12 categories as below.

1) firm structure
a) Small, simple organization scales
b) Attend to only own duty.
c) Organization culture
Economical attitude, Move fast for saving cost and offer low price
Respect each other
d) Small scale of headquarter
- Wal-Mart is that they have no regional offices Regional vice president operate out of office at HQ Manager uses video conference system to report, convey information to in the field No regional office saved the company 1% of sales
- Subminiature head office
No luxury decoration on interior of office. Almost operation managers visit stores or distribution centers from Monday to Thursday therefore their offices don’t need to be big.

2) HRD
a) Low salary
b) empowerment
eg ) Autonomy of price policy
c) profit sharing :

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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