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Informative speech_ Barbie`s effects on Girls

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어스피치 시간에 발표한 Barbie`s effects on Girls입니다.
A+ 받은 자료이며,
information(informative) speech로서 introduction, body, conclusion이 잘 짜여져있습니다:)
attention getter, thesis statement, overview, conclusion 등 스피치에 필요한 기본적인 요소로 다 구성이 되있으며 다양한 transition을 사용하였습니다.


I. Attention getter
II. Thesis statement
III. Overview
I. History of Barbie doll
II. Positive influences of Barbie doll
III. Negative influences of Barbie doll
II. Summary
III. Closer


I. Attention getter : Did you ever play with Barbie when you were little? When I was young, I had Barbie dolls all over my room. It was a lot of fun for me. And I always wanted to have Barbie dolls for my birthday or Christmas presents. As you know, a Barbie doll is one of the famous cultural icons in America. According to a critic Kamy, in her essay Barbie Doll Culture and the American Wasteland, there are about three Barbies for every household in America.
II. Thesis statement : And the young generation of American is greatly affected by this plastic doll. And depending on the little girl, Barbie can have positive or negative effects.
III. Overview : So, today I`d like to give you some of the facts focused on the history of Barbie doll and its beneficial and bad effects on girls.
Transition OK now let`s start with the history of Barbie doll.

I. History of Barbie doll
Did you know that the original Barbie was a real person? Her name was Barbara Handler and her mother and father were Ruth and Elliot. In the early 1950`s, Barbie`s mother watched her and her friends really like to play with adult female dolls more than they did the baby dolls

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Informative speech_ Barbie`s effects on Girls
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