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미국 문화에 대한 문제

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미국 문화에 대한 영어문제입니다.




1. English is the nation`s official language. (True / False) None
2. The District of Columbia is not one of the 50 states. (True / False)
3. The white-skinned population is officially referred to as European. (True / False) Caucasian
4. Boston was the nation`s first capital city. (True / False) Philadelphia
5. Two presidents were called Roosevelt and two George Bush. (True / False)
6. Originally, Halloween is an American tradition. (True / False) Celtic
7. Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen. (True / False)
8. Texas is the only mainland state in the USA to have been an independent republic. (True / False)
9. Fox is the name of a commercial television channel. (True / False)
10. State and religion are not separate in the USA. (True / False)
11. Only in the States can you be asked, where you come from, how much you earn and be on a first-name basis in your first conversation with a native. (True / False)
12. Changing topics frequently tends to be misguided and confusing to an average American. (True / False) A typical listener`s concentration span may come as a disappointment. Unless you are close to your conversation partner, refrain from dwelling on a subject too long. Keep the pace brisk and remember that eating, talking and wining endlessly bore most of these fast-moving people.
13. About 60% of the population list themselves as active members of a church or temple. (True / False)
14. Each year 10% of Americans change houses, if not states. (True / False) 20%
One out of five people, 20%, move over to another place every year. Better economic prospects, job opportunities or losses, family reunions, divorces, ... are some of the main reasons that push so many to start all over again somewhere else.
This urge to move on is grounded in the American psyche since they first settled the land. The USA has witnessed a few mass exoduses in periods referred to as the Gold Rush, the Reconstruction and the Great Depression.

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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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