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English Persuasive essay

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When you watch old movies or soap operas, you often see a family sitting at the dining room table and having a meal together. It’s natural to see the parents and children have a conversation or discuss something over the dinner.
But as society modernized, people became busier and more women and mothers took jobs outside the home. Eventually, people who are always in a hurry tend to find the easiest way to fix their meals. You can see fast food restaurants everywhere in most cities and towns. It’s also common to go to the drive-through lane and get a meal without even exiting your vehicle. Gradually, this fast food culture invaded our dining table and more people chose to grab a burger at the drive through window.
Do you often find yourself grabbing a quick meal at a fast food restaurant? Do you feel it’s nice to skip the meal planning and preparing and all the dish washing afterward? You may think the fast food helps you maintain your busy schedule and you may love the quick and easy style. But, there are definitely important things that you’re missing as soon as you leave your kitchen.
First, homemade meals are a lot healthier than fast food. Statistics show that in most of the industrialized countries such as Canada and the US, the rate of cholesterol related heart disease is much higher than countries not accustomed to fast food diets. Food consumed at restaurants typically has a lot more calories and fat than food you prepare yourself at home.

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