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국제관계학 기말고사 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
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국제관계학 시험 레포트이구요.
당당하게 레포트 A+ 받고, 학점도 A+ 받은 과목입니다. ㅎㅎ
수업 내용과 각종 저널에서의 핵심 요소들을 종합하여 제 의견을 조심스럽게 개진해 나갔습니다.


A) What are the characteristics of power?

B) How do (south) Korea and Japan compare in terms of the elements of national power?

C) If there is war between Korea and Japan, who will win? Why?

Diplomacy, international law, and international organizations are the peaceful means of resolving international conflicts. In this essay, discuss the roles of diplomacy, international law, and the UN for conflict management and resolution according to the following guideline.

A) How does diplomacy (or diplomatic negotiations) help preventing and resolving international conflicts?

B) How does international law help preventing and resolving international conflicts?

C) How does the UN help preventing and resolving international conflicts?


A) What are the characteristics of power?
: As far as I remember, the week after mid-term exam, we covered about ‘power’ in the class. I still remember the sentence, "International politics is a struggle for power." Power is all about international politics and international relations which is the title of the class that I’m taking now. I think it can be explained in many ways. Power can be explained by military, economy, influence, technology, and etc. It can move and influence to other country and other people.

If someone or certain country has power, it’s easy to carry out what they’re planning to do because the world is all about power game. The more they have, the more power they have on their speaking. But in order to take advantage of that power more profitably and more easily, they should have a consensus on it. I think nowadays Korean politics situation can be a good example on this. Mr. Lee’s Administration has an official power. By the time the presidential election was held in Korea he was officially elected as the president and was recognized. Since he was elected, he has huge power whether the citizens like him or not. Though it is true, without continued Korean citizens’ approval, his power can’t last long. Nowadays in Korea, the police seem like fighting with citizens because of the order that they have to follow rather than they’re fighting for the justice which is the most important value. Administration still has power enough to use government power such as police and military but without approval from citizens, I don’t think it will be continued for a long time. I think that is the most remarkable characteristic of power. I also think it applies to international relations. Without U.N. or other countries support or approval, few things and thoughts can be justified.

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판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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