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Euthanasia: The Choice of Life or Death.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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영문으로 작성되어 있으나 전반적으로 이해가 쉽게 표현되어 있습니다.
첨부물에는 OUTLINE 과 ESSAY (뒷부분에 관련 인용논문 및 자료 WORK SITE 포함) 가 들어있습니다. 논문을 작성하면서 중간중간에 영문과 교수님이 직접 지도 하였으면 최종 검사는 네이트브교사에게 확인하였습니다. 문법적으로는 결코 문제가 없습니다.
참고로 내용은 euthanasia에 관련된 외국도서를 읽으면서 제 생각을 썼기때문에 많은 도움이 되실껍니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. The Motive of Subject for Discussion.
2. Intention of Euthanasia.
Ⅱ. Main discourse
1. Life ethics
1) What is a Life Worth?
2) Biomedical Ethics
2. The Perception about Death
1) The Change of Perception About Death
2) The Standard of Judgment
3. Euthanasia
1) Concept of Euthanasia
2) History of Euthanasia
3) Catholic Attitude Toward Euthanasia
4) Buddhist Attitude of Euthanasia
Ⅲ. Conclusion


1. The Motive of Subject for Discussion.
We are living in social life with people around us. From our families to the world, we cannot live alone without them, but our society has been achieved by interacting.

we are surrounded not by nature but by various energy sources such as the latest instruments and tools, high speed cable networks electricity.

People around us are indispensable because we cannot achieve conversations, transactions and interaction without them. I am taking a class on behaviorism, this course is a theory which not only improves our society but also increases the promotion of enterprise. By taking these theories, I thought it was very difficult for me to sustain a relation between people. Therefore, I selected euthanasia which can be handled by human life.

2. Intention of Euthanasia.
Technological advances in medicine have made it possible to extend people`s lives even if there is no hope of recovery. Therefore, doctors are sometimes forced to make a difficult decision about life

참고 자료

Bryant, Michael S. Confronting the good death. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2005.

Collier P.F. "The Oath of Hippocrates." Oath of Hippocrates, Cerca 400 B.C 7 June 2002. 15 Sept 2009 <http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/hippocrates/>

Edwina, Pio. Buddhist psychology: a modern perspective Indian. New Delhi: Shakti Malik Abhinav, 1988.

Morgan, Diane. The Buddhist Experience in America. Westport Conn: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Pak, Un Joung. Bioethics Research Ethics and Regulation. Seoul: Seoul national university press, 2005.

Trosko, James E. "In Memoriam." Cancer Research 1 April 2003. 13 Sept 2009 <http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/63/7/1724>.

Network for the Definition of Death. 2009. 23 Sep 2009 <http://changesurfer.com/BD/Papers/Calixto1.html>

PRIESTS FOR LIFE. 2009. 14 Sep 2009 <http://www.priestsforlife.org/articles/whyislifesacred.htm>

Bioethics: A Brief Description. 2009. 10 Sep 2009 <http://www.bioetica.uchile.cl/doc/compt.htm>

Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. 2009. 5 Sep 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protagoras>
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