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death penalty에세이

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최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
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death penalty 사형제도 찬반 관련 에세이 입니다.

서론 본론 결론으로 구성되어 있으며 문법 수정 완료된 자료 입니다.





The death penalty is one of the major issues that brings up a lot of arguments whether to agree or not to the imposable punishment of death that should be inflicted to those serious criminals and other part of group which advocate the sacredness of life that no one should take ones life except God. In my own point of view I`m in favor for the abolishment of Death Penalty for a simple reason, that this penalty is too extreme as it completely shows the denial of basic human rights which is the basic mainstream of our life.I also consider this to be very in humane treatment for the offenders and deprivations of ones sanctity to life. The State cannot deprive human`s life even someone did a flagrant offense. I think that the death penalty is also kind of legal murder which government enforce according to the law. It is the ultimately cruel, immoral, and degrading punishment.
Moreover, we cannot ignore a possibility that those condemned criminals are innocent. In a such way that Judges are not always credible for giving their verdict as there are a lot of considerations to prove the burden of proof and the quantum of evidence for the conviction of the accused.After the sentence is given as it becomes final and executory this will never be reversed and set aside. In one case, There was a misjudgment on one case by the name of ...

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death penalty에세이
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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