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[영문 비평글]한미 FTA 비평/누구를 위한 조약인가/ FTA, for whose sake

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국제 법 시간에 KORUS FTA에 비평하는 글을 썼습니다. 부당한 점이 무엇인지, 개선되어야 할 점, 한국 사회가 취해야 할 태도 등이 쓰여있습니다.




There arises the need to take a look at the agreement and analyze it thoroughly in order to measure the positive outcome that it may allow the South Korea to enjoy. The advantages of having the agreement on the part of South Korea have indeed been identified. South Korea’s effort in trying to be a “hub of FTAs” can be seen through its current moves on having negotiations with countries aside from the United States. As early as May 8, 2007, barely a month after negotiations for the KORUS FTA were completed, the first round of negotiations for an FTA between the E.U. and South Korea took place in Seoul. As is reported KORUS FTA has in important ways influenced he free trade agreements with other trading partners of South Korea to take place. These partners like Australia, Japan, China and the E.U., in fear of American domination in South Korea’s marketplace, have strongly requested similar agreements. It is interesting to know that just few days after the KORUS FTA was announced, China’s prime minister Wen Jiabao expressed it would be his hope to have an FTA between China and South Korea in no time. China, the currently developing nation the world is watching out for, seemed to be cautious of the United States’ influence in South Korea. Some are even contending that FTAs with the U.S. and E.U. were simply planned for the further development in negotiations with China, which are seen as the actual project that may be the most profitable as China is currently South Korea’s leading export market.

참고 자료

Brown, Anderw G., and Robert M. Stern, 2005, "Concepts of Fairness in the Global Trading System," Research Seminar in International Economics, Discussion Paper No. 544
Brown, Donald J., and G. A. Wood, 2004, "The Social Cost of Monopoly Power," Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Discussion Paper No. 1460
Hart-Landsberg, Martin, 2006, "Neoliberalism: Myths and Reality," Monthly Review, 57, 11 (April): 1-17
Sohn, C. (May 1, 2007) “’Hanmi FTA ro Yang guk wha Simwha’ 52 Percent (‘KORUS FTA will Deepen Class Gap’ 52 Percent),” Seoul Economy.
Suh, J. (2008). The Korea-US free trade agreement. Retrieved October 20, 2009 from http://www.stanford.edu/group/sjeaa/journal81/CE4.pdf
“Jayu Muyuk Hyupjung Guknae Daechaek Wewunhui (Free Trade Agreements Domestic Measures Committee),” <http://fta.korea.kr/ko_en/negotiation/>.
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[영문 비평글]한미 FTA 비평/누구를 위한 조약인가/ FTA, for whose sake
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