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Same-Sex Couples and Adoption

최초 등록일
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9페이지/ MS 워드
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리서치 페이퍼로서 동성애자들의 입양 찬반 토론한
리서치페이퍼 입니다


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Reasons against same-sex couples’ adoption
3.0 Current situation
4.0 Reasons for same-sex couples’ adoption
5.0 Conclusion


Same-sex couples’ adoption problems have become a controversial social issue for communities all over the world. Numerous countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada and some of the United States have recently started to allow same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples, like heterosexual couples, also want to have a family witch includes two parents and children. However, they cannot have a baby naturally. They want to adopt children. Same-sex couples and adoption problems are not a new issue. It has been an unsolvable problem for homosexual couples for a long time. Even though communities have changed, many people believe that gay adoption is fundamentally wrong as they believe that it destroys the sense of family and affects children who are raised by same-sex couples. On the other hand, other people believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. Homosexual couples have the right to adopt children the same as heterosexual couples.

참고 자료

Adoption and Same-Sex Couples-Types of Adoption. http://print.family.findlaw.com/adoption/same-sex-adoption/same-sex-adopyion-types.html. Retrieved. March, 14 2006.
Cahill,S (2004). Same-sex marriage in the United States: focus on the facts, post-2004 election edition. Lexington Books. Maryland.
Gay adoption. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_adoption. Retrieved. March, 14 2006.
Martin, A (1994). Being Raised in a Gay Family Does Not Harm Children in Gay marriage. Roleff, T (pp. 41-45) Gay marriage.
Roleff, T (1998) Gay marriage. Greenhaven Press. San Diego.
O`Leary, D (2004). Dangers of Same-sex Couples Adopting Children-The Stress For Kids. Retrieved. March, 28.
Parental rights for same-sex partners. http://print.family.findlaw.com/adoption/same-sex- adoption/same-sex-parent-rights1.html. Retrieved. March, 14 2006.
Skrable, B (1996). Same-Sex Marriage Would Harm Society in Gay marriage. Roleff, T (pp. 102-111) Gay marriage.
Roleff, T (1998) Gay marriage. Greenhaven Press. San Diego.
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