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The Importance of Core Science, Problems of Korea Core Science and How to Promote Core Science

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


기초과학의 중요성과 기초과학에 대한 연구가 부족한 현실을 비판.


The importance of core science
Level and problems of Korea core science
Policies of core science in other countries


The core science is pure and the foundation of the applied science literally, and called the basis science. The core science includes mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry. There is the reason why the core science is called core or basis. People usually think that the action of understanding, identity and prediction about core science is relieved by the other purpose. However, core science is triggered by itself and the exploring results from the action lead to the activities of another purpose at the same time. The core science is to research the substructure of nucleon to the size of the universe spaciously, one trillions minutes to the age of the universe timely and all of the natural phenomena of the complex systems such as creating life forms. In addition, the academic purpose of the core science is to develop the powerful test equipment for looking into the nature distinctly, to analyze and understand the resulting phenomena which are drawn by using them and to discover the natural order.

참고 자료

Education and Human Resources Development. (2000). Promotion of Basic science Research Plan for Preparation of Knowledge-Based Society.

Gwak. YG. (1995). The Correct Understanding of Natural Science. Hakmunsa.

Kim. JH. (2009.10.28). The Practicality of core science. Hankook Il bo.
Retrieved October 29, 2009 from

Science and Technology. (1968). The Development of Science and Technology Long-Term Comprehensive Plan.

Secretary Ministry of Science. (2003.06.15). Holding Professional Conference about Core Science.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Importance of Core Science, Problems of Korea Core Science and How to Promote Core Science
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