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Sustainability at Kimberly and Clark (킴벌리 & 클락의 지속가능경영 보고서)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기




<1. Performance summary

2. Key areas for the sustainability at Kimberly-Clark

3. More details about Kimberly-Clarks’ Sustainable Activities within the Environmental, Social and Economic Approaches.

4. Actual Sustainability Performance

5. How the company’s actual sustainability performance will affect HR performance?

6. References


1. Performance summary
a. Working toward sustainability is not only the right thing to do
• It is a business imperative. Recent and continuing global developments have accentuated the need to become more sustainable.
• Pressure on natural resources intensifies as markets develop worldwide. Global financial conditions have increased the need for efficiency, cost effectiveness and principled management.

b. Sustainable business practices provide tangible benefits
• Including lotheyr operating costs, reduced risk exposure and motivated employees
• Key achievements during 2008 include ranking first in the personal products category of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fourth
• successive year, and in the top one percent of Governance Metrics International’s most recent ranking of nearly 4,200 companies surveyed on their corporate governance standards.

2. Key areas for the sustainability at Kimberly-Clark

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탑툰 이벤트
Sustainability at Kimberly and Clark (킴벌리 &amp; 클락의 지속가능경영 보고서)
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